Chapter 15

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By the time the first week of my third year of college was over, I was exhausted. Things were getting harder now that I was closer to graduating from college. It was probably going to be a tough year, but I would eventually get through it. I've already made it through two years of college, I could make it through two more. When I got home from school that Friday, I found the house was empty. I guess that meant that I should get an early start on the schoolwork that I had gotten. So, I headed straight up to my room and then sat down at my desk after shutting the door to start on the schoolwork that needed to be done first. It was about three hours later when I heard voices coming from downstairs.

I knew I wouldn't be able to work on my schoolwork anymore so I packed up my things for another day. There was a knock at my door as I was finishing up packing up my school things. After I told the person at my door to come in, I heard the door up and someone come in the room. Looking up I saw Carter standing in my room, looking around at all the things I had. This was the first time he had ever been in my room.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Carter asked me after I had looked up at him. I was still putting away the last of my things for school so I was looking back and forth between Carter and my bag that I used for school.

"Just putting away my school stuff. I was working on my homework," I replied as I looked down at my bag to put away a binder that I had needed to get my homework out of.

"Oh, did I interrupt you?" he asked. I shook my head and then added, "I needed a break anyways since I'd been working on homework for three hours."

Carter took that as an invitation to sit down on my bed as I finished up putting my things away for school. When I was finished, I tucked my bag underneath my desk where it would be out of the way and not someplace where I would trip over it. Then I sat back in my chair and looked over at Carter, who had been taking that time to look over my room some more. I kind of just waited until he was done looking around since I figured that he would just get distracted by something that he hadn't seen yet while we were having a conversation.

There wasn't that much on the walls of my room. I used to have posters up, but over the years I had outgrown them and decided to take them down because I wanted my room to look more grown up. There were still a few dolls and other various objects that were from my childhood in different places throughout my room. Some things I just couldn't get rid of.

"Your room's nice," Carter eventually said as he looked over at me. I smiled at him and then said as I looked back at him, "Thanks. So where have you been?"

"Zach took me to his work. There wasn't going to be anyone there so he wanted to show me around and check out the cars that I might have not ever seen before," Carter replied smiling back at me. I nodded my head, crossed my leg over the other, and then said, "Did you see any cars that you did recognize?"

"No, but I didn't expect to. Most of the cars I've seen are expensive and black. My parents don't have any cars in any other color than that," Carter responded.

"Do you have your own car?" I asked him.

He shook his head, which didn't really surprise me since his parents didn't exactly let him leave the palace without a guard or two. So, they definitely wouldn't have given him his own car to drive around when they wanted to control where he was going. And it would have just been cruel to give him a car and not let him use it at all. I wouldn't be surprised either if he didn't even have his license, which meant he wouldn't even be able to drive a car. That was something that we could let Carter do that he hasn't done before, but that could only happen if Carter actually had his license.

And I didn't think that his parents would let him get his license if they weren't going to let him go anywhere by himself. I wish we could help him get his license, but I think that might be pushing it. We didn't know anyone who would keep it a secret if Carter were to show up to get his license. Not to mention that someone else might see him there since that place was always busy no matter the time of day you went.

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