Chapter 44

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We were back in our room five minutes later and had been left alone for the time since things morning until the staff would come in with our dinner once it was ready. Carter had been silent the whole way back to our room. I knew that he was lost in thought and until he was done thinking about his mother's request to be royalty again, I had decided to leave him alone. Maybe by the time dinner got here Carter would be ready to talk about what happened with his mother.

I was curious to know what he was thinking and to also express my thoughts. While I waited for my husband to get out of his head and dinner to arrive, I headed to the closet to change. I was ready to be in some comfy clothes and just relax in a chair after a long and tiring day. It'd also be nice to walk around barefoot too.

My feet were tired of the tennis shoes and heels I had to switch between throughout the day. Heels were for when we met up with someone. And the tennis shoes were for sightseeing and all the walking I had to do while visiting various locations. There was no way I was going to walk around in high heels all day long when I didn't need to.

After I had changed into a t-shirt and some leggings, I headed out of the closet and found that my husband was on the phone, sitting at the large table where we ate our meals. Carter had apparently come out of his thoughts and had decided on calling someone. Who, I wasn't sure of yet, but I walked over and sat down next to him, ready to listen to his side of the conversation and figure out who he had called.

"She wants to be royalty again, Dad," Carter said looking over at me. I gave him a smile and he gave me one back. He directed his attention back to fully listening to his father and was silent for a few minutes. I wasn't surprised that he had called his father. He was probably the person who could best answer questions that Carter had about his mother.

"No, she said royalty. She mentioned that she knew that she couldn't be queen anymore, but I don't really believe that she has given up on that goal. Maybe she thinks that she can somehow become queen for the second time after she's become royalty again. I don't know for sure. That woman is hard to figure out sometimes," Carter said frustrated. I reached over to take a hold of his hand, not letting go after I had squeezed it. There was some silence as Carter listened to his father's response.

I definitely thought that there was a possibility that Julia was still trying to become queen again even though she said that wasn't her goal anymore. She could be very well lying about that to try and make us think that she just wanted to be royalty again. But if Julia really wanted us to believe that she didn't want to be queen again, she was going to have to try harder to make us believe her. Julia has lied way too many times for anyone to ever believe that she could be telling the truth right now.

She didn't seem to understand that you couldn't just go from lying all the time and then start telling the truth and automatically have everyone believe you're being truthful. It just doesn't work like that, but that's what Julia thought.

"Can I put you on speaker phone? Morgan's here now," Carter asked his father bringing my attention back to my husband. The reply must have been yes because Carter pressed the speaker button and then set the phone done into front of both of us.

"Hello? Morgan?" I heard Carter's father say.

"Hello Peter, how are you doing today?" I responded as I leaned into Carter. He responded by leaning back into me too. I felt him kiss the side of my head. After he pulled away, I laid my head down on his shoulder and left it there for awhile.

"Well, I'm stressed about what Carter has told me about his mother like usual, but otherwise I'm doing fine. I guess I should have known that Julia wasn't ever going to give up her quest to be in power again. That's got to be what this whole becoming royalty again is about," Peter said sighing. I'm sure he's a lot less stressed now that he's no longer married to Julia. It must have been exhausting to deal with her all the time. It's just one of the reasons why he didn't stand up to her for so long. He knew it would be such a battle.

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