Chapter 40

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Two days into our trip I was ready to be at our destination. It wasn't that I didn't have anything to do that passed the time, it was the fact that I was just ready to be off the train and looking at something other than open fields and mountains. Once in awhile we would pass through a city, but it was a quick view and didn't leave me with enough to get through the open fields and mountains that seemed endless. I couldn't wait until we were in a city that I could have more than just a quick view of.

Carter seemed to be the one enjoying our trip through the mountains and fields that we passed by, but that was probably because he was used to being inside the palace more often than I was. He did spend most of his days inside rather than out.

"Your majesty," I heard Ethan say. I was addressed as your highness so I knew that he was talking to Carter. We, meaning Carter and I, had decided on separate titles for the employees to call us if Carter and I happened to be in the same room as one another.

There were of course the titles of King and Queen, but we had told the employees to only address us by those titles when we were out in the public or had guests over. We had asked the employees to call us by our actual names, Morgan and Carter, but no one would agree to that.

"Yes, Ethan," Carter said looking up from the book he had been reading. I stopped reading mine as well to listen to the conversation. I wasn't going to be able to keep on reading anyways since I always found it hard to read when people were talking around me.

"Your mother has arrived. I was told she took a plane to our destination, but that's all I know right now. We're still trying to figure out where she's staying. Although I do know it's not at the same hotel you and your wife will be staying at. Your mother hasn't found out that you two are staying outside of the city, not inside," Ethan replied. I could tell that he wasn't surprised by the news he was telling us about Julia. He had probably expected her to show up.

"Try to keep her from finding out where we are staying at. I don't think she'd actually want to stay at the hotel we're staying at because it's not a five star hotel, but I don't need her showing up at the one place that's going to be our home while we're in town for Morgan's appearance. If you find out where my mother is staying though, please let me know so we can avoid that hotel," my husband responded. He didn't sound surprised either.

            I think if anyone were to be surprised, it would be because Carter's mother hadn't shown up somewhere on our trip. Everyone had come to the same conclusion that Julia would make an appearance at the royal event I was to make my first official appearance as Queen at. It made me a little more nervous than I already was knowing that Julia was going to be there, but Carter had promised me that the event would be over with quickly.

There was a new orphanage for children opening up that Carter and I had a hand in helping making a reality and I was to be the one to cut the ribbon that would symbolize the opening of the orphanage. Seemed kind of silly to me, but I had asked Carter to start me off easily so I figured I would be cutting a few more ribbons after this before I moved onto something a little bit harder.

"Of course, your majesty," Ethan said bowing slightly and then turning around to head out of the train car that Carter and I had been in since we had finished breakfast. I imagine that it was close to lunchtime now so instead of going back to reading, I grabbed my bookmark, stuck in the book, and then shut the book before setting it on the coffee table in front of me.

"You know I was thinking," I started saying watching my husband to make sure he was listening before I continued on. When I saw that I had his attention, I continued, "Your mother might have not only been trying to figure out her next step after she lost her title, but she may have also been hoping that the people who were on her side would protest and try to stop me from becoming queen. And when she realized there were more people not on her side than on her side, Julia would have to find another way to take the title away from me and bring it back to her."

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