Chapter 35

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Having the attention all on me was something that I had never been used to. And while that had slowly increased after I had started dating Carter, I wasn't exactly thrilled when the attention was on me. That's exactly what this meeting and every one that followed after that was going to be like. Carter was always the center of attention in his meetings because he was the one who was making the final decisions. Now that would be me. I wasn't exactly looking forward to it, but I couldn't avoid these meetings.

They would just take longer and I wanted to get them over with as soon as possible. Of course, I realized though that this might not be the only time when I would have to meet with government officials. Usually, balls fell under the Queen's line of duties and I knew that it was going to be expected of me to throw more than one ball.

Carter had promised me that I could be as involved with making decisions for the country as much as I wanted to. Or I didn't have to be involved with it at all. I knew that I couldn't completely sit back and do nothing. There were things that were expected of me, but I definitely was going to leave all the decision making when it came to laws and things like that to Carter. I did sometimes give him advice if he was ever having a hard time deciding on something that he had no experience with and I did.

As long as I had experience with whatever topic Carter was having a hard time deciding about, then I was okay with giving him advice. I never directly told him what to do though. The final decision was up to him.

"Good afternoon, Queen Morgan," a guard said smiling at me as I exited the car. I smiled back at him and said hello. There were plenty of similar greetings after that from everyone that Carter and I came across as we walked into the palace and up to the library where the meeting was going to be held. I didn't think we would have to wait for the meeting to start.

It seemed like Carter had left with the promise of returning with me as quickly as possible. And my suspicions were only confirmed when we walked into the library and saw everyone waiting around in the room. There were conversations going on everywhere, but they weren't loud enough to fill the room and make you feel like you couldn't hear a thing. Carter took me around to greet everyone before we sat down. I hadn't quite mastered learning all the names of the government officials yet.

However, there were definitely a few that I did remember because I had seen them a lot more than others. I tried not to make it look like I forgot anyone's name, but hopefully everyone understood that with the people I didn't see as much, it wasn't easy to remember their names.

"Are you doing okay, babe?" Carter asked me after we had sat down. Everyone else was following suit. The chatter in the room was slowly dying down and it wouldn't be that much longer until this meeting was started. That was better than having to wait for it to be started sometime later.

"Sure. I just want to get this over with," I replied looking over at him.

"As long as no problems arise, then things will go by quickly," Carter said smiling at me. I nodded my head and then said, "I don't intend to create any problems."

"I know you won't create any problems. At least not on purpose," he replied.

A gravel was hit against the table after that, begging everyone to be silent. It took a couple of minutes before everyone was quiet and all eyes were on the man with the gravel in his hand. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember his name. He was one of the people that I didn't see very often so that wasn't surprising. Maybe with all the meetings I would have to attend for my coronation and ball, I would be able to learn everyone's names and be able to remember them every time that I saw these people again. That would be nice. And I knew all the government officials would appreciate it if I could remember their names.

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