Chapter 20

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Carter was wrong about me having to wait a few months before I had to see his parents again. They ended up wanting me to have dinner with them three weeks after Carter and I had officially started dating. No one had really been wondering why I hadn't met Carter's parents yet, but maybe they wanted to get ahead of the media and stage things so everything went the way that they wanted it to go. I knew that the king and queen liked to avoid scandals and bad press as much as they possibly could.

So instead of waiting for the media to tell them that they needed to have their son's girlfriend over for dinner, they were having me over for dinner this coming Sunday night. And I was not looking forward to it at all. Maybe if I knew that there was a chance that Carter's parents would like me then I would be excited and nervous like you're supposed to be when meeting your boyfriend's parents for the first time or just having dinner with them again so they could get to know you even better, but I had known long before I had met them that they would never like someone like me.

I came home on Monday before I had even known that Carter's parents wanted me to come over for dinner on Sunday night after working since eight in the morning to find our living room packed with various dresses and Mom looking through them. She didn't even notice that I was home until I had walked up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. I think she had been in awe at how many pretty dresses were in our living room. It was probably the first time I had ever been able to manage to scare her. On purpose that is.

There were probably plenty of times that I had scared her without willingly doing so myself. I knew that when the king and queen had taken me from that restaurant that had been one of those times that I had scared her without meaning to. It was usually Logan's job to scare Mom on purpose. He sort of liked doing it.

"What are all these dresses doing here? They look very expensive," I said as I grabbed one to pull it out from the rack that Mom was currently looking at and looked at the dress that I had pulled away from the others. The dress was red and far more fancier than anything I had ever owned in my life. I was pretty sure it was worth more than everything that I owned too.

"They came along with the people who came to our house this morning. I was asked to give you this and then they left once all these dresses were brought into the house," Mom responded while handing over a white envelope. I took it from her and then started opening up.

"Carter's parents are inviting me over for dinner on Sunday," I said a few minutes later after I had pulled out the card and then opened up to read the inside.

"They sent you an invitation just for dinner? They could have used the phone," Mom said rolling her eyes at no one in particular since she couldn't roll her eyes at Carter's parents.

"They're royalty Mom. And don't forget they sent dresses too," I replied pointing at from what I could count was six or seven racks of dresses.

"Apparently they want you dressing a certain way," she said as she eyed the dresses.

I could tell that Mom was a bit jealous that I was going to be wearing one of these dresses when I finally picked one out. There was no way I was going to pass up wearing a really nice dress for once in my life. Plus, I didn't want to get on Carter's parents' bad side any more than I already was. And I was sure that if I didn't show up in one of the dresses that they had provided for me then someone would make a big deal about it.

There was also the fact that Carter's parents were probably going to be dressed up so I didn't want to look underdressed. This dinner was already going to be awkward enough. I didn't need to make it more awkward and clear that I was not from Carter's world by wearing a dress that I had worn many times before.

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