Chapter 33

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Planning a wedding was a lot harder than it looked. I had already gotten an idea from watching Emma plan her wedding but being the one who was actually doing the planning yourself was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. It might have been a little easier if I wasn't planning a royal wedding. There were so many requirements that I just wanted to tell Carter that we should just elope. I could tell that idea had probably crossed his mind plenty of times during the time that we spent planning our wedding and it seemed like there was always more to finish planning, then less.

One thing I had learned while watching Emma plan her wedding was that I wanted a small wedding with only the people closest to me, but since I was marrying the king a small wedding was out of the question.

"I can't wait to see you in your wedding dress," Carter said before twirling me around and then pulling me back to him as we danced to the music that was playing. I could see other couples passing by us as they danced too, out of the corner of my eye.

"The only hint I'm giving you is that it's not as poofy as Emma's dress," I replied looking over at Emma and her new husband, Mike. They were dancing not too far away and looked so happy.

"I don't expect you to look like a princess on our wedding day. I just expect you to look like you," Carter said smiling at me before leaning in to steal a quick kiss.

"At least the dress I want to wear is one I can wear. I can't believe how many rules there are to what my dress has to look like. I was worried that when I found my dress, I wasn't going to be able to wear it because it wasn't going to be proper enough," I replied sighing. I saw a bit of guilt flash across Carter's face.

Carter wanted to make me happy and having a huge wedding wasn't making me happy because there was so much more to plan. And a lot of all that extra planning included having things that I didn't really want or need. There were guests coming that I had never even met before, but because of who they were or what they did, they had to be invited to the wedding regardless of whether or not Carter and I wanted to invite them.

Carter and I had only been planning our wedding for about three months now, but I was exhausted and it was starting to not feel like my wedding anymore. It seemed like the wedding was more for show than about two people who were in love and were taking the next step.

"You know there's nothing normal about us. And I don't mean we're not normal because I was a prince when we started dating and now I'm a king, but that we've never done things normally for either of our worlds. Being king is just a job, one that I'm willing to give up to make you happy, and since being king is just a job to me, then that doesn't mean we have to follow every rule. We both know that we've already broken a few ever since we met," Carter said smiling at me.

"Are you telling me you want to elope?" I asked him.

"Not exactly. I'm just saying that we could plan a small wedding, in secret so no one can stop us, and then announce that we're married and the one that's been planned and everyone knows about is canceled," Carter responded while shrugging his shoulders.

"Can you do that? Aren't some of those people who are important people in the government and the royal community supposed to be at our wedding?" I asked him.

"You and I don't exactly do what we're expected to do, now do we? Why should that be any different with our wedding?" Carter said. I shrugged my shoulders, thought about it for a second because I didn't really need that long to know what my answer was, and then said as I smiled at my future husband, "Then let's have a small wedding. I don't want all those people there, just the ones who mean the most to us."

"Sounds perfect to me," Carter replied before leaning into kiss me.


February had been the month that Emma had gotten married in, but it wasn't long after that when Carter and I got married. We were supposed to have our big wedding in August, but that had been a date that neither of us had picked ourselves. It was just something that we had agreed to because it was farther away and would give us time to plan the wedding we were supposed to plan. The date Carter and I really wanted to get married on was our fourth anniversary, which was in March. And that's exactly when we got married.

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