Chapter 27

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After getting visited by both of Carter's parents, things didn't calm down at all. No one outside of my life knew that the king had visited, but everyone knew that the queen had come to see me and there were plenty of theories as to why she came to visit me. I hadn't said anything even though every time that I left the house, there was always someone there to ask me what the queen and I had talked about. They were never going to know though.

Unless of course the queen herself decided to tell everyone, but I didn't think that was going to happen. Letting the public know that she had tried to bribe me with money to get me to break up with Carter probably wasn't going to help her in any way.

She was probably also way to busy trying to convince her husband that they didn't need to get a divorce. Every time that Carter came over to see me, which was a lot more lately because he wanted to escape from his house where his parents were fighting all the time now, I got updated on a new way that the queen had tried to get her husband to stay. Carter felt that there were times where his mother didn't believe that his father was actually going to go through with the divorce.

So far the king hadn't actually started the process to divorce the queen, but I don't think that the queen was making that easy for him to do. Like I had told Carter's father, the queen wasn't going to give up her title that easily and she was definitely staying true to that.

"Do you think that your father is actually going through with divorcing your mother?" I asked Carter about a little more than couple weeks later.

"I think he really wants it, but whether or not he's actually going to get to go through with it still remains to be decided. My mother is making it really hard for him," Carter said as he looked down at the board game he had picked out to play. He didn't want to leave my house after every time that he arrived ever since his parents had visited me.

No one but Carter, me and his parents knew about the divorce and I knew that everyone wanted to keep it that way for now. I think Carter was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that his parents were eventually going to end up divorcing. He had never thought that this was going to happen. Carter thought that his parents were always going to stay together despite the fact that they had never loved each other. And since he thought that his parents were always going to stay together, he was shocked that wasn't going to be true anymore.

He might also be shocked that his father is actually doing something other than standing around and following his wife's orders. Carter's father was also supporting our relationship, which I think was also something that Carter had never expected to happen.

"How are you doing?" I asked him. He mostly talked about what his parents were fighting about now or what his mother was doing to try and talk his father into staying with her so once in awhile I had to ask him about himself so he would tell me how he was handling this new situation.

I watched Carter as he sighed and then said, "It's still kind of hard to believe that this is all happening. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't have been surprised if my parents were getting a divorce because it probably would have happened a long time ago, but since we're royalty things are different. The crown comes first and divorces don't exactly shed a good light on the crown or the royal family. That's why there's never been one."

"Would it look better or worse if your parents just separated?" I asked him.

"I don't know. They're supposed to stick together no matter what. A king and queen are never supposed to split even if they don't love each other," Carter said shrugging his shoulders.

"Do you think your parents ever loved each other?" I asked. I had always been under the impression that Carter's parents had never been in love and that's what the king had said, but Carter could have thought differently. There could have been a time where he thought his parents were in love. They could have just been acting then though.

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