Alex Pov

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I walked up the stairs though the doors and just kept hearing my name from every direction of the school building. I walked in the halls realizing that I was the biggest person they seen in this town. Before I became so popular I used to live here when I was kid before my life change when I was eight. It all started when I auditioned for this tv show called " Chasing Goals " I was the youngest person on the show, I'd played as a little girl named Alice who became a talented kid at a young age and wanted to achieve her goals. After eight years of the show I decided that I wanted to become a regular sixteen year old teenager and go back to Diamond Bar and go back to public high school.

The halls was filled with classes mates but also fans of my acting skills best known for chasing goals and other movies. I walked around with the principle and my body guard so I can make it to class on time. I walk into my first class which was astronomy and realize two empty seats. I tooked the chair on the left, then this girl with brown hair was just talking away with me and I just sat there smiling. She introduced herself as Kelley and replied "nice to meet you". Something about her made me uncomfortable, but it also seemed like I could be friends with her too.

The bell chimed loudly, that's when our teacher Mr. Austin shut the door on two people who looked as if they bolted to class; attempting to make it to his class on time. They were breathe as if they just finished running a marathon. Mr. Austin roared slightly frustrated "Ms. Harris and Ms. Heath y'all are late again!" They both look at each other " it's not our fault that the hallways was crowded. This girl named Alex came today!" they countered causing the teacher to sigh in defeat. Mr. Austin said "fine , but next time the both of you will get a tardy slips, now please go take your seats." The two girls did as they were told, relieved that he actually let them slide this time.

I was sitting there speechless, because they blamed me for being late to class. I couldn't believe they said that, but when they walked in I noticed one who seemed like she wouldn't let anybody mess with her. Only one out of the two caught my eye which never really happens, but for some reason this one with long brown hair, and muscular arms walked in behind the tall one with blonde hair with a tattoo on her arm. I was so amazed by the she just walked in and acted like she didn't have a care in the world. I guess I was staring too much because the girl next to me Kelley nudged me and said "hey, stop gawking at her she'll just play with your heart strings, like a guitar." I scoffed under my breath " thanks for your concern , but I think I know what i'm getting myself into." Kelly just shrugged her shoulders, giving up on attempting to warn her.

I looked I Kelley and really wanted to understand what she meant, but for me this mystery Ms. Heath I wanted to know more about her. Most of the class period I was just thinking about who she is and I was glad for that bell to ring to get out of that class room.

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