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I woke up with a warm bare skin body on me our legs was tangled together, the comforter off the bed, and we were just covered in sheets. I couldn't believe how last night was our first time was to it was perfect, and she amazed me. I heard my name "Tobin what are you thinking about?" I smiled and said, "you and how last night was just great" she smiled and moved on top of me and had this huge grin on her face then leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back, and I knew I couldn't control myself; I flip us over and laughed, I heard her raspy voice say, "what' I replied 'we really shouldn't I mean last night was more than once plus it's noon, and I have to take you, so we can watch that interview." She laughed and kissed me between kissed she said, "fine and last night was the greatest, but you owe me" I laughed and responded "really and fine." She got out of bed and walked straight to the bathroom. I heard her ask, "do you want to join me" I laughed and said, "um let me think about" I got up and joined her.

We got out of the shower really quick will me of course; I got dressed and decided to wear Nike's sweat pants, Nike's shirt, with a pair of Nike's shoes and my PDX SnapBack. Alex finally came out and put on black leggings, a long maroon sweater that covered her butt and Uggs and straighten hair. As I had this huge smile on my face, and she knew why it made it better. Before we left we cleaned the kitchen, got our things, and I had to make sure before I left to watch the sheets and comforter. After finishing my duties in the lake house I drove to the house and packed our soccer gear and bags to head back in town. When we step outside I saw the people that my grandpa hired, and I were so glad that they just arrived. The car was good we were listening music for Vance Joy to Taylor Swift, holding hands and small talk and laughs. Once I got back to town, I got a call from my grandpa, I answered it; he asked me "do you want to watch that interview with me?" I was shocked because I was going to it with Alex's family before I answered him back Alex said, "ask if he wants to come and meet my family and watch with us" I did what she told me, and he replied "I would love too," I told him "be ready in 30 minutes. We got my place, and he was prepared he got in the back seat which surprised me and said, "let's go."

I keep calm knowing that my papa was going to meet her family it didn't feel existent to me because I never actually had a actual girlfriend long enough for my grandpa to meet or meet her family. From right there I knew that Alex was one, and I could lose her. We got to her house in one piece we got out of the truck and walked up to her front her door. Once we walked in I smelt something delicious her mom hugged me, I shook her dad's hand and wave at her sister. Alex said to her parents "I hope that ya don't mind, but we brought someone with us" my grandpa finally came out of the shadow and said, "hello I'm Tobin's grandfather" he shook everybody's hand and her mom said, "nice to meet you and lunch is ready." We walked into kitchen and saw this amazing lunch that her mom made for us. We took our seats at the dinner table and started to discuss about me. My grandpa was telling them embarrassing stories about me, and her dad was doing the same with Alex. With one, question caught me off guard and that was "so Tobin wears your parents out with all of this? Alex told me about those colleges looking at you, and I would love to know what your parents think about it?" I drop my fork and mumble "um...see they or mostly, my dad doesn't like who I am." My grandpa stood up for me and told them "her dad dislikes her because of who she is and her mom well she doesn't have control like her father. She lives with and now I'm her guardian." I saw their faces and felt like maybe I am pathetic then I heard her dad say, "Tobin I'm so sorry you are truly a blessing that came into my daughter's life, and you are gifted with your soccer skills too." I smiled and said, "thank you sir, I appreciate that." After lunch, we went to the living and still talked until Alex wanted me to go upstairs with her and let her parents, and my grandpa speak alone.

I walked behind her on the stairs I wasn't trying to stare at her butt, so I looked at the walls and saw her baby photos and family photos. I laughed at one and she turned saying, "what you laughing at" as I pointed at this picture of Alex with this cute angry face, and her arm crossed will she was at soccer game. She hit my arm and I said, "ouch nothing has changed you still do that" will I laughed and leaned into kiss her. She moved her head and I just kissed the air as she made fun of me walking to her room. I gave her this glare and followed her behind; she shut the door and grabbed my waist and pulled me in more. She crashed our lips together our lip was in sync, I slipped my tongue to her bottom lip, she let me in and our tongues fighting each other. I started to walk us to the bed, and until I trip over something on the floor and lost my concentration of our kiss and her. She smiled and bursted out laughing at me when I fell to the ground. I must of fell hard because I heard her sisters say, "gross just kidding everything fine in there!" Alex replied to them "we aren't doing anything and yes, everything is fine." I finally got back on my feet and grabbed her saying, "maybe later, and I love you." She nodded and said, "ugh fine and love you too Toby."

The show was about to start, and I was terrified that my dad will call or text me about it yet I felt like he would come through Alex's house too. Alex must have known I was nervous because she grabbed my hand and held it tight and whisper in my ear "everything is fine I promise and trust me Tobs" I smiled looking at her and nodded. The show started and saw the host and Alex on the couch and talking it was weird to see Alex on the screen, and she was next to me. We both had text messages from our teammates when they showed the practice and them talking about Alex. It made us laughed because we didn't know what they told them about Alex or our relationship. Then it the family and next me and Alex it was good to know that they didn't change a thing about it. It was great to know how our relationship was getting strong ever since the interview and of course when we finally did it and said I love you to each other. Once it was over my grandpa, and I stayed a little bit longer until he told me "let's go lovebird she isn't going anywhere" as everybody laughed at what he said. I nodded, and Alex walked us out I kissed her and said, "do your homework you can't fail, and I love you Lex you are my world" she smiled and laughed and replied "don't forget about your homework either and I love you to Toby." We kissed one more time, and then we pulled apart and I got in the truck and pulled out of her driveway and headed back home. My grandpa just smiled and said, "she's good for you don't lose her" I smiled at him and said, "I know, and I won't."
Author Notes: Thank you for the support and the votes and feedback. I hope ya enjoy this story and this chapter.

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