Its Just A Break

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Tobin's POV
I woke up with a body next to me; I looked at Alex in deep sleep. When she's asleep, it's the same movements, her arm wrapped around my torso and head either on my chest or shoulder.

I was going to get up, but I didn't want to disturb her. I stayed in my position, and I am just starting thinking the pros and cons about what happen.

The pros:
1. It makes our relationship stronger.
2. It proves that we can fix us after our fights or mistakes.
3. Our love is strong.
The cons:
1. More disagreements/arguments/fights
2. Thinking we are cheating.
3. We are foolish high schoolers.
4. Stupid mistake
5. Her mom was right I'm nothing.

"Tobin what are you thinking about" I hear a raspy voice say.

I lost my concentration when I heard Alex's voice. "Umm" I say.

"Tobin tell me please" she demanded.

"Just...I don't know anymore there is more cons then pros in our relationship" I say.

She got off of me and says crisscross and looked at me. "You said let's put it behind us" she said and her voice was about to crack.

"Alex I know but it's hard if you almost cheated on me with him" I say in a strong firm tone.

"Tobin but I didn't and you almost kissed her so" Alex said as she was about to cry.

"Please Alex don't cry, I'm just saying this might be harder than I thought" I said get up and sitting at the edge of the bed.

"What do you want Tobin? Me? Someone else? A slut/hoe?" She asked me.

"Alex I don't want anybody else but you" I say as I felt her on my back.

"Okay then what we break up and afterwards what Tobin" she said in my ear.

"I don't want that Alex..." I say as I stare blank at the wall.

"Well figure it out. I guess I see you in class" she said getting off the bed, I heard her going into my closet to change and then a door slammed.

I finally got out of bed, looked at the time, and I already missed two periods but I didn't care because I was concerned about my relationship right now. I changed, and my grandpa was still here so her dropped me off at school.

It was my first time back since the accident. I hopped to my class and saw Hope and Amy as sat next to them, I laid my head down because I didn't want people to see me upset.

"Tobin what's wrong" I hear Amy ask.

"Nothing" I say as the bell rang to save me.

Hope helped me to my next class, and I saw Alex in the hallway. She wasn't upset but not happy either. I sat in my chair and pretend to listen to what the teacher had to say. After that class, it was lunch, and I wasn't ready to go, as Ashlyn helped me get my food.

I sat there and then I felt a arm on mine, and it was Alex's. I smiled at her and she did the same, the teammates came around and asked how I was feeling, why I left for a day, wanted to sign my cast like they haven't already.

I told them I was feeling fine, not the truth what happen when I left for almost a day. My phone went off and I got a text from Briss I smiled at my phone.

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