Home (chapter 3)

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Harry pulled up in my driveway. I had delibrately made him walk me to the door. My parents hated when I went out with boys.

Seconds after Harry had knocked on the door, it flew open, almost knocking him over.

"Veronica O'Harra, how many times have I.....", my mother stopped yelling when she saw Harry standing there awkwardly playing with his curls.

Situation advoided.

I hated when my mum yelled and she yelled a lot.

She looked as if she we're checking Harry out.

"Urgh gross mum, come on Harry, let's go upstairs", I said forcefully grabbing his forearm.

My mum gave me stink eye as I walked past her. Harry's mouth kept opening and closing, no words coming out in his assumed shocked state.

I navigated Harry up the stairs, and into my bedroom.

He stood there, watching me as I fished half a bottle of vodka from my underwear draw.

I took a sip, letting the liquid burn my throat and chest. Harry starred at me, his eyes not once leaving my face.

"What are you looking at,?" I asked quizzingly.

"You", he said without hesitation.

"And why is that", I asked skeptically, swirling the liquor.

"Just wondering how an angel like yourself can become such a hot mess so easily".

"Years of practise, years of one girl getting everything she desires without having to put in any effort at all", I smirked, leaning into Harry.

His lips pulled into a sad lop-sided smile as I leaned in closer.

Seconds away from closing the distance, my door flew open.

"Your such a slut", my father screamed as he looked back and forth between Harry and I.

I quickly shoved the bottle of vodka into Harry's side. He quickly grasped the glass bottle, shoving it behind his back. My dad would only be angrier if he had known I even touch the stuff.

My father drew closer. His breath hit my cheek. He stunk of cheap wines.

"Ew gross, daddy, you smell of wine. Your drunk, can we please talk later", I said, turning on my good girl charm.

I almost gagged.

"Why do you act like such a bitch Veronica, worrying your mother like that".

Without hesitation, he brought his hand down and whacked me across the face. I recoiled at the pain.

Tears sprung to my eyes. He turned and walked away, slamming my door.

I jumped.

Letting the tears fall, I flinched when large arms pulled me into a tight hug.

I only cried harder.

Resting my head into his chest, I let him rest his head on my shoulder.

"Why do you let him treat you like that?"

"What can I do Harry", I mumbled, the tears slowly stopping.

"You could......".

I stopped him mid-sentence. Taking the bottle from his hands, I took another long sip.

"Drink", I demanded, pushing the bottle back into his hands.


"Call me Vicky, and please Harry, drink my problems away with me", I said, tugging on his jacket.

Hesitating for 3 painful seconds, he took a sip.

I made my way towards my bed and threw myself onto it.

Harry sat down beside me. Laying on my back, I smiled as he passed me the vodka.

He layed down beside me.

"So Vicky", Harry said slowly.

I could tell he was already slightly tipsy.

"Harry..", I said giggling.

"Aww, theres laughter", he said as I took another sip.

I passed the bottle to Harry and sat up.

"So tell me, what's it like being an international popstar?," I asked as the alcohol hit me hard.

"Its.....dull and boring", he said jokingly, taking another sip.

"I'm sure it is", I said smiling largely, in an attempt to hold back my laughter.

I was biting my lip. Everything just seemed so damn funny.

"Your cute when you do that", Harry slurred.

"Do what?".

"Bite your lip, but I'd much prefer if it was mine you were biting".

"What are you even talking about Harry". I laughed.

Looking down, my breath caught in my throat as I looked up.

He was so close. I could smell is colonge and make out every detail on his flawless face. His breath was warm against my skin and his lips were so beautiful. He was beautiful.

I smiled up at him with a clouded mind. One kiss. What could go wrong? I leaned in and closed the distance.

Our lips met in the middle in complete and total bliss.

His lips meshed against mine. Pausing for a second, I nibbled his lips and he let out a moan.

"Vicky...", he mumbled.

His hand shot down my back, but what suprised me most was the spark that ran down my back. It's like he had set my world on fire or maybe the vodka was to blame.?





PLEASE:) i will follow back:)!x

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