Kisses and Confession (Chapter 42)

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I woke once again, the second time in one day, to a dark stormy sky.

It had to be at least 11 at night, but I was never good at time, and now that I no longer had my phone, I had to force myself up to check the microwave time.

1:14AM read the green bright letters on the microwave. I squinted my eyes, hastily turning away from the light, and blinking several times.

I shook myself, attempting to wake. Why did I even want to be awake at this hour?

A knock at the door brought me from my thoughts.

Who the hell would be stopping by at such a ghastly time?

It was pouring aswell.

The poor person must be dripping wet.

Without thinking, I yanked opened the door.

I was yanked out into the dark, stormy night.

A squeal threatened to spill from my lips, but was halted when a pair of lips locked onto mine.

The set of lips moved in a way that I reconigised, a way I loved.


Harry was kissing me .. in the rain, and it was bloody freezing.

The rain slapped hard against me, making me realise I was still mad at him.

I pulled away hastily, and dragged him inside, out of the rain.

"Tell me, or leave", I gritted harshly.

I didn't care how rude or arrogant I sounded. I was way beyond the stage of angry.

"Okay. I'll tell you", he breathed, nodding finally. "Let's just sit", he smiled weakly, dragging me off towards my couch.

Once seated, I looked up at him expectantly.

"Well .. there was this girl ..She broke my heart ..a-n an-d, I'm broken", he cried, as he broke out into uncontrolable sobs.

I looked away guiltily.

I had made him tell, and now here he was lying in my lap, laying out his feelings to me.

It made my stomach twist.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A/ so mean with these short chapters...anyhow, i got an injection today, and my fucking arm hurts so badddddd!!!! no exaggeration, im usually a tough sport..but my right arm hurts so,so bad. ughhh... VOTE AND COMMENT!!! x :)))

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