Introduction Shockers (chapter 2)

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Chapter 2- Introduction Shockers

After a few moments on the road, and of me screaming the lyrics to a Bon Jovi clasic Harry spoke up.

"So, where do you live?"

I froze, my screaming halting.

"What's the matter?", he asked.

"Harry, I can not go home, take me back to your apartment!", I demanded, trying not to panic.

"Wha-why?", he said, obviously shocked and at a loss of words.

"I'm 16 Harry, my parents will kill me. To them I'm the picture perfect daughter. I have no bad records. They don't know I do this. They...", by now I was in hysteria, sobbing and panicking.

Harry sighed.

"Oh-ok, but are you not a fan? How do I know your not faking this to get pictures??

"What are you even talking about Harry, I don't even know who I am right now, I'm so drunk. Your making no sense".

He hesitated but remained silent.

Moments later, we pulled up to a large house.

He must be pretty important to live in a house like this, I thought to myself, slowly drifting off to sleep.

* *****

I woke to find myself wrapped in warm sheets. A large figure lay beside me. I freaked out. My head was thumping and I felt sickness rising in my throat.

Springing up, out of the sheets, I took in my reflection.

I was wearing nothing but a large red jersey. Twirling around, I saw 'Styles' was imprinted on the back.

Where had I seen this shirt before?

Halting my thoughts and slightly shaking my head, I searched the room for my belongings before pushing open the bedroom door.

The hallways were long and I was already lost after mere seconds of walking. The pain in my head wouldn't go. It was almost unbearable.

Walking for a while longer, I spied a set of stairs. Slowly but surley, I crept down the staircase, seeing a door at the end of it.

I went to reach for the door when an irish accent called me out. I froze. Standing there in basically my underwear, I turned to face a blonde, with blue eyes and a quiff.

So fimilar....

"Harry's girl leaving soon so?" he asked curiously, his eye's smiling.

"Excuse me, who's girl", I bit back.

He laughed.

A soft, beautiful sound.

"Shut up, my head is going to explode. I don't even know where I am and your laughing at me", I growled, taking deep breaths.

"Are you alright love", came a different voice from behind me.

Spinning around, I saw guy with black hair and dark eyes. Tattoo's covered his arms.

"The names Zayn Malik", he said, putting out his hand for me to shake.

Then it all clicked.

"As in One Direction", I said, testing them.

"That'd be us", he said, shaking my hand.

I slowly nodded, trying to process it all.

My head felt like a hammer was bashing on my skull.

"Uh, could a please get a painkiller or two, or maybe four", I asked polietly.

"Yeah, come eat breakfast with us", Zayn smiled, swatting who I presumed was Niall away from the bacon.

"Where are the others", I asked, trying not to have a heart attack.

I mean, how had I even ended up in the presence of One Direction? Last night was a blur.

"They'll be down soon", Niall said, chewing on raw bacon.

Moments later as I was downing panadol in an attempt to get rid of this insane headache, I looked up to see Harry making his way towards me.

I knew I had been with Harry last night but how?

Looking away, I sat there awkwardly, playing with my fingers.

From the corner of my eye, I could see his eyes move along my body, his stare lingering on my bare skin.

I coughed, looking up and giving him a weak smile.

He looked towards my face.

"So, finally ready to go home?", he asked, with a hint of humour in his eyes.

My smile faltered and my heart sank as I remembered I still had to face my parents.

A/N. sooooo...,its monday for me but i just couldn't be motivated to go to school. I wasn't so happy but writing makes me happy, so im updating:))

Hope you enjoyed it :)

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~Kate (OneDGotThisV)~

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