Confused (chapter 8)

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THANKYOUU GUYS who actually read this!! i woke up and checked out wattpad,,and i was so happy!!,,i was like 'im so happy, i feel like writing now',so heres the next chapter!:) Enjoy.xx

Not long after the whole twitter incident, i trudged upstairs, and feel asleep in my bedroom.

I had only just fallen asleep when an obnoxius knocking from my window woke me.

Half-asleep, I didn't second guess who or what would be standing on my outside verhanda. (Yeah, i had a small verhanda outside my room. Pretty neat,huh?) How had they even got up there?

I threw the windows/doors open. I yawned, and blinked a few times.

I groaned when I saw dark curls and green eyes.

Letting my eyes wander towards my alarm clock, I groaned once again.

"Harry, it's 11:30(pm), some of us have school tomorrow".

"School, ha, didn't you have school today", he snarled.

"Piss off", I spat, as I jumped back into bed.

I couldn't comprehend why I was being so mean to Harry, but I'm blamming lack of sleep.

He, on the other hand, had no excuse.

Closing my eyes, I yelped when my covers were thrown across the room.

"Vicky, listen to me, I came to apoligise", he said, his voice turning desperate and pleading.

I stood up, and made my way towards him.

Placing a hand on his chest, I let my head fall into his chest.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I began talking slowly and quietly.

"Why are you so infurigating, Styles?".

"Why are you so mean", he inturrupted.

I smiled softly,looking up at him before replying.

"Didn't I tell you this before, I'm getting quite tired of repeating myself".

He took a hold of my wrist.

"I want the real reason", he whispered.

Our eyes were locked, a silent battle ragging.

Had his eyes always been this beautiful?

"The real reason", I laughed. "I'm going to figure you out first, then maybe you'll get your REAL reason", I whispered, emphasising REAL.

"You got to stop talking in riddles, your driving me insane, and when girls like you drive me insane, it usually doesn't end well", he said,bringing his mouth to my ear, whispering so faintly, I only just heard.

"Is that a threat or a promise?"

"Both", he mouthed, his eyes dancing.

"Wait,what do you mean, 'girls like me'".

He dropped my wrist, and smirked.

"Pretty, insane girls", he winked.

With that, he turned, and walked away. I watched as he dropped to the ground, before making his way to his car.

How was it possible that he had left me more confused than ever. His mixed signals were going to make my explode. I couldn't sleep. Not now. Not after that.

I grabbed my guitar, and sat on the edge of my bed. Strumming slowly, I began to sing, making it up as I went along.

"Your beautiful eyes,

Stare right into mine,

And sometimes,

I think of you late at night,

I don't know why I,

I wanna be somewhere where you are,

I wanna be where,

your here,

your eyes are looking into mine,

So baby,

Make me fly,...".

I stopped singing quite quickly.

Had I just started writing a song about Harry?

I was clearly insane.

I huffed, searching for more words, but to start a different song.

"You and I go hard at each other like we're going to war,

You and I go rough,

we keep throwing things and slamming the door,

You and I get so damn disfunctional,

We start keeping score....".

I huffed,and set my guitar down.

I was so sick of my mind being stuck on Harry. Maybe I had been completley dedicated to him, but that was before we met.

He was so much more different in person.

Demanding but Sweet.

Angry but Sorry.

Crazy but Sane.

I ran a hand through my light hair, frustrated with myself.

What was I feeling?


Or at least, that is what I thought.

A/N. Okkkayyyy,,thats it for today kiddos, go get back to reality now:))

Leave me feedback, and votes....,,

The more you leave,,the quicker I update...i dont even care if one person spams the comments:) if you did that,id update quicker;)))


,,,for now.


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