Bi-polar is sexy ? (chapter 6)

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"Harry,I think I'm going crazy", I whispered as he picked me up, bringing me to his chest.

He lead me down the hill. I was now shaking, and I felt quite ill.

"Harry, I think I'm going......", before I could finish my sentence, I thre up, barley missing Harry's leg.

"I'm taking you to the hospital".

"No Harry, please no", I whimpered as he pushed me into the automobile.

He slammed the door shut and got in the other side. Starting the car, he looked up, his gaze lingering on my face.

"Vicky, your extremely pale,I'm driving you to the hospital".

He left no room for argument as he sped off down the highway.

15 minutes later,Harry came to a stop, and got out. Opening my car door, he pulled me out. I wasn't paying attention as Harry lead me through to emergency and into a room with a doctor. My mind wouldn't stop wandering and it bothered me. I had never felt so helpless in my life. The doctor took my temperature, and did other mindless little tests, like checking my pupils and ears. He coughed and my head whipped to his attention. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Harry, a worried look plastered across his usual sadistic face. He made me just want to slap him...ughh.

"It seems you may have anxiety,and from the tests I've conducted, it seems you've had it for a while. What could have brought this about ? Any traumatic experiences lately?anything or anyone made you feel uncomfortable or extremely venerable ?"

Yeah...Harry.,my mind whispered, but I pushed it aside.

I couldn't blame Harry for this. Although he could have brought back memories when he kissed me, bringing back the old emotions.

It's hard to say a loud, but two years ago, when I had got my first boyfriend, he had been all sweet and promised to love me, to care for me. He had been so sweet, yet so fake. When we were alone, he would raise his voice...he would hit me. I winced at the memories. Harry was like him in so many ways, with the crazy mood swings and such, and I had tried to push that aside so many times. Maybe some part of my brain had identified it and sent me into panic mode. Needless to say, I still felt a strong yearn to be in his presence. I did not know why but it was something I did not like.

Realizing the doctor was still waiting for an answer, I shook my head vigorously.

"no sir,nothing at all. Every things perfectly fine. I'm sure it's just all the pressure. Exams and all",I said,smiling fakley.

He didn't seem to buy it,but he shook his head, and prescribed me anxiety pills, sending me on my way.

Harry caught up to me in the halls.

"Vicky , you sure your okay? You spaced out for a bit back there".

I nodded, and replaced my weak girl act with my natural tough girl facade. Smiling, I took Harry's hand.

"how about we go for ice-cream, sexy styles", I said winking, using playful banter.

He nodded shyly.

The media potrayed Harry as the flirt, and man-whore. But he was nothing but a shy little boy. When it came to him and I, I was the flirt, not him.

I had only met Harry two nights ago, but I was extremely friendly, and I could already tell we were going to be great friends.

Harry looked at me weirdly as I started dancing on the spot.

"you love me", I screamed from across the carpark.

"so what if I do", he screamed back,pulling an uninterested face.

I giggled, and turned away, pretending to have a fit. After no more than three seconds, I was being flung over his shoulder. I gasped from shock as he spun me around. He started tickling me and I couldn't help but start laughing uncontrollably.

"s-stop Harry", I whinned.

Just as he put me down, we were swarmed with paps.

"who's this Harry?"

"is this your girlfriend?"

"do you love her?"

"how long have you been dating"?"

"Harry, I feel sick again", I said, tugging on his sleeve as previous feelings came back.

Harshly, he pushed me in the car, and went around to his side. Pulling out of the parking lot, he took deep breaths as his breathing became heavy and labored.

"I swear,that happens atleast twice a week", he grunted, a deadly edge to his voice.

He sounded...mad? But why?

"Harry", I said,lightly touching his arm.

He pulled away, like I was poison.

"vicky, just shut up", he yelled at me, keeping his eyes on the road.

I whimpered. Why did he have that affect on me? I was able to tackle any other guy but when it came to Harry, it was something completely different.

"stop doing that. Stop acting like your own internal struggle is larger than mine", I yelled, gaining an ounce of strength.

He stayed deadly quiet, his eyes intently focused on the road more now then ever, and that scared me most.

A/n. Okay,,j don't really like this chapter but I hope you enjoyed it.!:)))))

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I will love you forever:)))))

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