Waking up.. (chapter 48)

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I woke to an annoying, unreconigsable beep ....

My face hurt all over, making me groan, shifting uncomfortably in the tiny bed I lay.

My eyes flew open when my leg knocked against cold metal.

Looking around, I found myself in an empty room.

I sat up slowly, the pain in my face never ceasing.

I pushed open a door, and ran straight into a small woman.

"Oh, miss, your awake? You may leave at anytime, but your were unconcious for sometime. Harry Styles was guienly worried when he brought you in. He almost didn't leave for his tour. You guys are adorable", she gushed, giggling.

"How long have I been unconcious for?", I asked, concerned.

She looked down to the clip board in her hands.

"5 and a half days", she confirmed, beaming.

"Shit", I muttered to myself, running my fingers through my hair.

"May I use a phone", I muttered, recalling that I had broken mine recently.

"You may. Anything for Harry's girl", she smirked, pulling out a phone and walking away.

I walked back into the hospital room.

Nervouslly, I dialled Harry's number, and pulled the phone up to my ear.

"Ha--", Harry cut me off before I had a chance to finish.

"Vicky!! My god, I missed you so much. I miss you so much. Are you ok?", he asked, his voice so thick with emotion.

"I'm fine Harry. Just fine. Gosh, I missed your voice. I missed you", I smiled weakly, holding back a sob.

Harry wasn't as strong. He never had been.

He broke down in tears.

Quickly,I changed the subject, trying to take his mind off of things.

"So, do you have a show tonight? How have your shows been so far?"

"They've been great! Yes, I have a show", he sniffed.

"That's great", he smiled widely, enjoying hearing of Harry's work.

After moments of silence, Harry spoke up.

"I wished I'd been there when you woke. I'm sorry I wasn't".

"I miss you Harry", I said out of nowhere, ignoring his statement.

I hadn't realised how much I was missing him up until that very moment.

"Miss you too ..."

"Wait..what happened to Harvy?", I said in a panic, the memories rushing back to me.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A/N. Guys, i have a very important question. Should I end this story in like the next two chapters and start working on the sequel, or just keep writing with this story? im leaning more towards the sequel. what do you guys think?

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