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i wanna stop pretending i'm okay but i don't want all the questions and i don't want a repeat of two years ago but with me as the target this time.

and i hate feeling like a boy sometimes and not being able to do anything about it. i hate having fucking boobs and i hate having long hair and i hate being called her/she because i feel so fucking uncomfortable. i hate wearing a skirt to school and i hate everyone fucking treating me like a girl and expecting me to be a girl just because i look like one.

it fucking sucks, just fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

it's shit. there's no other way to describe it. just imagine it as you being put into the opposite genders body. you'd all feel uncomfortable because you're a girl/boy, right? now you know. and i'm so scared of telling people about this because no one will get it and they'll all laugh and think i'm playing a joke and i'm not. i'm not.

i don't blame them though, i mean, i am the embodiment of a joke. UGH SHIT




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