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why i hate showers;;

- you remember what an emotional abusive piece of shit you are

- you remember when your bf's 'ex' was there for them when they needed it most and you weren't because you're shit and horrible and are a disgusting person

  (the '' are because you strongly believe that they were something more at the time because your bf didn't love you then and you convinced yourself that they still loved her, because why would someone date you two days after breaking up with their ex?)

- you begin to think about how people treat you and that if you do something wrong suddenly you're the biggest bitch alive, but if someone else does the same thing people ignore it

- you think about the way your bf and ex used to look at each other across the room and, to this day, you're not sure if they look at you like that

- when you try to think about why people hate your relationship so much and you start to get so angry you punch the bathroom tiles till your knuckles bleed and bruise

- you remember that your bf wasn't there for you when you needed it most, and was there for someone else

- you remember that you were unknowingly used as a rebound for someone who isn't even half of what you are

- you remember

- you just fucking remember

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