26/05/16 [ 21:47 ]

33 1 1

i've officially hit very close to rock bottom.

substance abuse is always a great place to start, and so is psychological addiction! another great place is the fact they won't give me meds because i do so many fucking drugs it's unreal. haha it's all going really shit to be honest, i don't have motivation for anything anymore. not even writing in this shitty book about how fucking SHit i feel all the time.

it's great, you know, saving up sleeping pills so one night you'll be able to sleep forever.

it's fucking great.

[my last entry on here for a while probably. song there is scar tissue - red hot chili peppers. if anyones interested in how i'm doing, i'm going to leave you all with a series of numbers and you can figure the rest out: 25/12/17]

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