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To SaraBeara1gk - because you are awesome

Soaring high up in the air, Arya let her gaze swipe over the landscape beneath her. As her eyes fastened on one of the nazgûls she dove nose first towards it. It didn't even see her coming, her body moving so fast and changing so rapidly that the black rider only managed to see her size triple before her talons ripped into the horse.

Knowing she couldn't exactly kill the ringwrait, she aimed for the horse, working on slowing him down, more than anything else.

The ring was near.

She could feel it, almost as if it was getting under her skin already. A slight throbbing in her veins.

Shaking her head from side to side, she turned on the ringwrait, a growling noise coming from her throat.

            "The ring wants you."

She had never heard them speak before.

Its voice was raspy. Hoarse.

No wonder, with all the screaming they did.

Letting her body cool down until her size diminished and the scales only covered small areas on her body she laughed softly.

The talons might be gone, but her wit stayed sharp - her tongue sharper.

            "I am older than your ring." She wasn't entirely sure about this, but all evidence pointed towards it. The ringwrait needn't know.  "It does not affect me."

            "You might not feel it yet, Darkling, but the ring does affect you. It calls out to you. To your dark side."

She did not tell it that she already felt the affect. She could feel the ring tugging at her - sometimes so hard that she had to clench her fists and lock her knees to keep from going after it.

            "It matters not. I will never give myself freely to the ring."

She could hear the other eight ringwraits crashing through the forest, and as she looked up she spotted Arwen on her white stallion galloping at full speed towards the river. In front of her sat a small figure, bundled up in a green cloack.


Arya didn't need any more prompts and leapt into the air, her form changing in the blink of an eye before she roared and beat her wings until she was flying just above the treetops, her eyes swiping the ground methodically as she tried to spot the ringwraits.

Breathing out once she saw that Arwen had crossed the river, she paid more attention to the river shore.

She didn't have to wait long.

The ringwraits came crashing through the last trees and skidded to a halt on the shore. She didn't attack, only growled slightly and reached out to Arwen with her mind, letting her know that she was ready to attack should it be needed.

Arwen held her own though, and a moment later - as the ringwraits were trying to cross the river - they, and their horses was washed down the river by a giant wave.

Swooping down as Arwen got of the saddle, she was just in time to watch her lowering the small halfling to the ground.

            "Frodo, don't give in! Not now!"

            "He's fading!" Arwen said, leaning over him and closing her eyes. She was praying to her people Arya realised. Praying for her own strength and life to pass onto him. For him to heal. For him to live.

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now