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To @greekgodlover - for deeming my story good enough to honer me with a comment. Hope you will continue to enjoy my book! 

Explanation of my absence at the end of the chapter!

Legolas had been standing stiffly at the edge of the camp for a couple of hours when a set of arms suddenly wrapped around his waist. Jumping slightly in surprise he quickly calmed down again as he recognized the slight current that travelled from the arms wrapped around him and to his own body.

"You should be sleeping," he murmured softly; his eyes staying focused on the river and forest – his right hand lifting slightly as he placed it gently over her fingers.

"I have been sleeping the entire day," she grumbled, her forhead connecting with his back, just in between the back of his shoulders. Holding onto one of her hands he pulled on her slightly until she was standing in front of him. Reaching forwards he gently lifted her chin up until she met his eyes. There were still dark rings surrounding her eyes, but what surprised him most was the color of her eyes – or more accurately the circle of silver surrounding her iris on both eyes. Deciding to wait with that question he instead gently caressed her cheek; "it looks like you haven't slept at all," he said, his thumb continuing to caress the skin just underneath her eye.

"I missed you," Arya mumbled softly and Legolas could not help but smile as he pulled her closer until she was resting her head against his chest. "And I you," he replied, one hand moving up to her hair only for his fingers to stop abruptly in one of the knots in her hair.

"What on earth have you done to your hair?" He laughed softly pulling back to remove his fingers before he turned her around and started to pull on her strands. "Is this supposed to be a braid?" He lifted up a sorry excuse of a braid, trying his hardes not to laugh at her sour expression. "It is not my fault I don't look like I have just dressed up for a ball after three days travel and three fights!"

Chuckling slightly he tugged on one of the braids, but stopped immediately when Arya flinched. Frowning, he gently parted her hair to look closer at her scalp, eyes widening as he saw dried blood and felt a swollen bump on the back of her head.

"I can feel you worrying but I promise I am fine. Your horse pushed me out of the way of an arrow and I fell and hit my head on a rock – missed out on the entire battle and woke up the next day, with one of your guards shaking my shoulders violently." Legolas' frown disappeared as she chuckled, but she became solemn once again as she looked at him; "two of the five guards your father sent with me lost their lives during the battles, only Zariel, Ulmas and Luhrien survived. Luhrien was badly injured yesterday, so I sent him and Ulmas towards Lórien, as they were headed there either way. Zariel did not want me to travel alone so he came with me along with Kaydin who has not left my side since we left Mirkwood. Your horse even saved me from an arrow."

Legolas smiled gently but continued to carefully untangle her hair before he walked over to the river and collected some water in a small bowl, so that he could wash away some of the blood from her hair.

"Are you not supposed to keep watch?" Arya chuckled as he started to clean her hair. "I can do two things at once, Arya," Legolas huffed, wiping away the last of the blood before he started to gently dry her hair. "Go back to the blanket and get some sleep," he whispered once he finished - one arm wrapping around her to pull her back into his chest. Leaning forwards over her shoulder he pressed his lips to her cheek, smiling as he watched a smile stretch across her face.

"Go on," he said – releasing her from his hold and gently nudging her towards the cot he had set up for her earlier; "I will come find you when my watch is over."

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now