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To Anamiel - Because it is her birthday, and Loki approves! Hope you have/had a good one! :)

Hope you are ready for a long chapter!

Oh, and the video or song is not something you need to listen to, it is just something I listened to while writing some parts of this story :) Hope you enjoy it!



When entering the space that had been the Fellowships designated camp for the last fortnight, his companions said nothing to him only gazed at him with solemn eyes before looking away. He realized they had most likely heard or seen the fight between Arya and himself, and was upset with the way he had wounded her. Opting not to explain himself he sat down on his designated sleeping spot, his back leaning against the tree as he tiredly closed his eyes.

            "You have royally messed things up this time lad."

Legolas smiled, but did not open his eyes, "well, I am a prince, am I not?"

            "Don't get smart with me boy!"

The grumbling of Gimli made him chuckle softly and he opened his eyes, glancing over at his new-found friend, "we talked it out after the fight, you don't need to worry."

            "Good," Gimli replied. "It's about time."

Legolas closed his eyes again, a small smile curving the tips of his lips upward. "She is talking to Galadriel now." He didn't know exactly why he had the urge to explain why she was not here right now, maybe to reassure the dwarf that he had not killed her during their talk. The grumble he received was all he was going to get as a reply, so he leaned his head back until it hit the bark of the tree, and settled in to get some rest as he waited for her to return again. They still had much to talk about, but he had to pace himself, so as not to overwhelm her, because if he knew anything at all about Arya, it was that she had a very high flight risk, especially under pressure. This of course, did not come into play when she was under any kind of danger – which she seemed to enjoy immensely, to his great worry sometimes.

* * *


To say he had been slumbering would have been taking it a bit far, but at Gimli's voice his eyes shot open, his whole body coiled tight as a spring as if he was under attack. Throwing a small glare at the dwarf that had startled him, he was met with a gruff expression and a shove that made him face forwards.

Arya was practically stumbling towards the camp, Haldir holding her up by her right upper arm. Her face was deathly pale, her eyes wide and unseeing. Entering the camp Haldir shot Legolas a look, and then gently released Arya's arm, whispering something softly to her before he started to back away. Legolas got to his feet slowly, eyebrows furrowed as he watched her stumble forwards slowly, her eyes flickering around wildly.


Her eyes zeroed in on him and she stopped abruptly, before backing up several steps, her head moving slightly from side to side.

            "Maybe you should leave her alone," Aragorn stepped up by his side, hand landing on his shoulder to keep him still.

Shrugging the hand off and shooting his friend and leader a look he stepped forwards, arms raised slightly towards her, "Arya, what's wrong?"

She only shook her head from side to side, eyes staying on him but wide and afraid.

            "You were fine just a little while ago, what happened between when you left and now?" He looked at her for a moment longer before he realized; "you looked into her mirror?"

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now