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To @MirandaKayBelcher - hope you did not cry, and I am so sorry this update is late! I honestly thought it had gone through, but apparently I was the only one who saw it!

"I need to leave tomorrow, no matter how much longer I should have practiced these newfound abilities." Arya's eyes wandered from Thranduíl to Dwalin as she wiped at her brow to stop the sweat from trickling into her eyes. She was anxious to get on her way, knowing that the possibilities of her meeting orcs or even spiders – and that was only as long as she was in Mirkwood. Once she was out of the woods protection all bets were off.

"Arya-" She stopped Thranduíl before he could continue, "-I promised to protect your son, how do you want me to do that from here?"

A small smile curled his lips upwards, and she knew she almost had him; "besides, they leave Lothlórien in three days, and as they will travel by boat I dare say they will travel a lot faster than me. If they pass a certain point without me being there it will take me much longer to find them again."

"You drive a hard bargain, Arya." Dwalin chuckled, eyes twinkling as she saw the defiant streak in her eyes.

"Very well," Thranduíl said – "tomorrow then, I only have two conditions."

"What?" She asked carefully, eyes narrowing slightly as she waited for him to state his terms. "We take the rest of the day off; no more training, you will allow me to have a small feast tonight and you will let some of my guards escort you to your meeting point."

"That's three," she retorted quickly, amusement in her eyes; "but I will allow it, since you are a king and all."

*                         *                         *

"I will be joining you on your way towards your companions," Lurhien said, sitting down in the chair to her right as she ate. Thranduíl had made her sit in the chair to his right, Legolas' chair she guessed. "I'm glad," she replied, offering him a smile. "Only you?" She glanced over towards the king on her right, surprised.

"No, there are five of us, though King Thranduíl originally wanted there to be twice as many."

Arya laughed, thanking him for making Thranduíl see reason.

The night wore on and though many wanted to speak to her she spoke mostly to those closest to her; Lurhien, Thranduíl, Dwalin and Daín. At the end of the night, Thranduíl invited them all, as well as the four other guards that were going to accompany her on the journey along with Luhrien. She also learnt that after finding the Fellowship, Lurhien and the other guards were to go to Lórien to bring some messages to Lady Galadriel. Bidding them all goodnight, she walked on her way to Legolas' quarters for her final night in Mirkwood.

She had barely closed the door when a soft knock sounded through the room. Walking over to the door she opened it, only slightly surprised she quirked an eyebrow at Thranduíl as he stepped into the room.

"I just wanted to give you this," he said, handing her a folded letter with his seal printed into the parchment. "Would you please give this to my son for me?"

"Of course," she replied, glancing down at the paper in her hand before she walked over to her weapons that were placed against the wall. Opening the small pouch that was fastened to her quiver she slid the paper inside, careful not to break the seal.

"I also wanted you to have this," he said as he watched her, holding up something wrapped in a fine cloth. Looking at him in surprise she accepted the cloth before she gently pulled it away to reveal a new pair of vambraces, similar to those Legolas wore.

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now