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To @ThePuginator5000 - because she started a song in the comments, and I've now had Uptown Funk on my head for several days.

Time seemed to pass without her notice as she laid there - the sobs wrecking her body slowly becoming more and more quiet. She was curled up on the ground, knees pressed to her chest and tears trickling down her face even when she had stopped sobbing.

Something soft nudged her in the back suddenly and she whirled around, eyes wide and tearful, but ready to defend herself should she need to. What she saw made her tear up all over again, and when the soft neigh rumbled through him she all but fell forwards, throwing her hands around his neck and burrowing her face into his warm grey and white coat.

"Hey boy," she murmured into his shoulder, "what are you doing here?"

He nickered softly again, his large head bending over her shoulder and pressing into her back almost as if he was hugging her.

"Thank you," she said softly, pulling back and petting his soft muzzle. She looked over the magnificent horse standing in front of her, and at seeing the sad look in his eyes she let a couple of more tears fall. "I miss Gandalf too." The soft neigh that he released was filled with sadness, and she wrapped her arms around his neck again, her cheek resting on his shoulder.

Slowly running her hand over his soft coat, she waited until he was ready to let go. When he nudged her shoulder with his muzzle again she stepped back, keeping one hand on his shoulder. "I need to take this basket to Naryfiel. Can you take me there?" He answered with a neigh and a nod, before bending down, settling down on the ground so that she wouldn't have to pull herself up on him. Smiling gratefully she got on, holding onto his mane as he got back up on his feet, holding the basket loosely in one hand.

She had no idea how he found the elf in question, but when he stopped she slid to the ground carefully, before walking up the stairs to the talan he had stopped underneath. Knocking on the door, she waited in silence, only glancing down at Shadowfax whom was waiting patiently at the foot of the tree.

* * *

Naryfiel was smiling brightly when she opened the door, but her smile fell once she took in the distraught look on the face of the woman standing in front of her.

"Thank you for the soaps and towels," she spoke softly, eyes downcast.

"Is everything alright, my lady?"

"Please," Arya said, holding up one arm to stop her, "I am not of nobility, call me Arya. I am..." Her words trailed off, and she frowned as she looked to the ground. "I am not fine, and I do not think lying to you would convince you of it either. I have done something terrible, and I am not sure I should have gone through with it. Even though I do think it was for the best," she mumbled at the end.

"Would you like to come inside?"

Looking up in genuine surprise Arya looked up to meet the kind eyes of the elleth in front of her. After an uncertain second she nodded her head, letting the female lead her into her talan.

"Please take a seat, would you like something to drink? Water? Tea?"

"Just water, thank you." Arya smiled as softly as she could, trying to keep the woman feel safe in her presence.

Settling down on one of the chairs, she watched the elleth in silence as she bustled around in her small talan, picking up small knick-knacks and putting them away. Once she settled down opposite her with a motherly smile and an outstretched hand with a glass of water, Arya - to her own horror - could feel her bottom lip trembling.

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now