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To sarcastic_and_insane - "no no no no no no no no no no... bloody orcs!" Bloody orcs, indeed!

            "Zariel!" She exclaimed as she ducked yet another attack, her hand shooting out in his direction as she focused and sent a blue ball of fire straight into the orc who was about to slice his sword into his back. He turned to her with a grateful look before he spotted something behind her and he threw one of his blades with accuracy straight over her shoulder and into the head of one of the last orcs that had been awaiting his chance in the bushes.

She was swaying slightly on her feet by the time they had killed off the last orcs, and she glanced around her, searching for Ulmas and Luhrien, who they had lost contact with during the fight.

            "Luhrien! Ulmas! Gandor!" Arya yelled, cupping both hands around her mouth to make her voice travel further. Ulmas came through the bushes, one of Luhrien's arms slung across his shoulders as he half carried him along. Zariel and Arya shared a worried look and hurried over to them.

            "I will look at his wounds," Arya decided, glancing at the two standing elves as she bent down over Luhrien. "You two should scout the surrounding forest just to make sure that we are alone and that there are no more orcs running around ready to attack us. Try to find Gandor as well." Both men obeyed her order with ease, quickly moving to secure their location as she gently helped a half-unconscious Luhrien out of his tunic.

She cursed silently when she got to see the entire wound. It was deep - much too deep for her liking. Wrapping him up as best as she could she whistled sharply for the horses. Kaydin was the first to join her, and she was pleased he had made it through without injury. Two of the other horses trotted through as well, but there was no sight of the last two belonging to Ulmas and Orian was nowhere to be seen. Walking over to Luhrien's horse she gently got him to lie down and then managed to get Luhrien safely up into the saddle before getting the horse to get onto its feet again. Making sure Luhrien was sitting safely and that he would not fall off she went over the other two horses, making sure no injury had come to them.

Ulmas and Zariel came back quickly, and told her that they had seen no more orcs, but that they either way should take caution on what was left of their journey. They had found Gandor, but he had already been dead and as they had not had the time to give him a proper burial they had covered him with rocks, building a small monument on top of it to let everyone that passed know that it was a grave. She nodded, a sadness settling over her despite the fact that she had not managed to get close to Gandor during their time travelling together. Trying to shake it off she told Ulmas to get on the same horse as Luhrien so that he could make sure he would not fall off.

            "You will take him to Lórien, both of you."

            "My lady you cannot travel alone. The orcs were going in the direction the same direction you are going, what if you are ambushed again? Our prince and king will never forgive us if you get harmed further." Zariel stepped forwards his eyes wide.

            "If Luhrien is not taken to Lórien where he can be healed he will bleed out. I do not think your king and prince would appreciate that either. Besides, I have a secret weapon after all," she chuckled wriggling her fingers at them.

            "You have used too much power already my lady," Ulmas said decisively. "I will stay with Luhrien, and start on the journey to Lórien. Zariel will travel with you and catch up with us later."

There was such finality in his voice that she could do nothing but smile and nod her head, accepting that this was how it was going to be. Walking over to the horse Ulmas and Luhrien was sitting on she patted them both gently on their knees, thanking them for all they had done for her. Ulmas promised her that he would get Luhrien to Lórien safely, and bid her a safe journey. With a smile, he told her that he looked forwards to seeing her again once she returned to Mirkwood and that he would enjoy it greatly if she would let him challenge her to a friendly duel. She laughed, and told him that she would be honored.

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now