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To DoraDominguez-Phelps - for wanting to add Arya to the movies <3

"How could you do this to him? What exactly are your feelings towards him? Do you not love him?"

Aragorn was standing in front of her with his arms crossed over his chest, and his eyebrows formed into a deep frown. Gimli was standing by her side, one hand clamped down on her arm and holding her back from following the blond haired elf that was disappearing through the trees.

Turning her flaming eyes onto the ranger in front of her she tore her arm out of Gimli's grip. "Love him?" She sneered, "why do you think I removed the bond?"

            "Right about now I am starting to believe that you have not been honest about your feelings. He saved your life Arya, by tying his soul to yours, and you repay him by ripping away your connection to him? I must say, I am very disappointed in you."

            "You can be disappointed all you like. What I did to him would have saved his life in the end. When he foolishly tied his soul to mine he doomed himself."

            "You are the fool Arya, if you believe he would be able to live on after your death."

Aragorn shook his head disbelievingly at her, disappointment and resentment shining in his eyes as he turned his back on her and walked away. She exhaled shakily, a couple of treacherous tears leaking from her eyes that she defiantly wiped away with the back of her hand.

Gimli gently patted her on the back, his eyes sad as she met them. "Everything will work out in the end," he said softly in his gruff voice, "but you have to admit you wronged him first."

Arya opened her moth to argue but Gimli held up a hand, silencing her before she could launch off in a tirade of how this was Legolas' fault. "I am not saying what you did was wrong, because I do not have the knowledge of all the underlying reasons for why you did what you did. What I am saying, however, is that you wronged Legolas by not telling him that your soul was bound to his. You must realize what this looks like to him."

            "What?" Arya asked, "what can this look like, if not looking like I am doing everything within my power to keep him alive and well?"

            "I suspect that to him - it looks like you do not feel as he feels about you." Gimli letlet what he said sink in for a while before he continued, "Legolas loves you, Arya – unconditionally, and for him, the fact that you challenged and broke off a bond that tied you together must be the greatest form of betrayal."

Glancing past Gimli, she met the eyes of Boromir whom also had a sad look on his face. Then she looked over at the hobbits who had their heads cast down, their sadness hanging over their heads as a blanket, only topped with the grief of Gandalf's death. Next were the elves that had stopped to see what the spectacle was all about, their eyes wide and fingers placed over their own hearts, almost as if they could physically feel the pain that was coursing through hers. She could see the horror and disapproval clearly in their eyes, and she shied away from their accusing gazes. Turning to the side, she saw Haldir, who did not look at her accusingly, but rather with some sort of understanding. Walking towards him she did not stop before she was standing in front of the tall Marchwarden,

            "do you have a training field?"

            "Of course we do, but-"

            "Would it be possible for me to go there? I need to get out some frustration, and though I know many here are vary of me I promise that I will not use the weapons on anyone. I just need.. I need-"

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now