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To @AnadrielKane - because she voted and commented her way through both books in just a few days! Thank you so much for all your comments, I loved them!

Arya swayed slightly on her feet but nevertheless raised her head and walked down the last couple of stairs. The healer followed right behind her; his hand hovering at the small of her back.

            "My lady, you should really get back to bed."

            "I am fine Faelar, and I cannot bare to be cooped up in that room any longer!" Arya stopped and surveyed her surroundings, her eyes wide as she took in the tall trees, the clustering's of Telains high up in the trees. It was magnificent. "I know I am not allowed to walk around on my own, but you are allowed to lead me to the Fellowship, are you not?"

*            *            *


She tumbled to the ground with two hobbits attached to her waist, and they lay there in a heap, laughing joyously together before Pippin managed to elbow her in the wound. Groaning softly in pain, Arya was relieved when Pippin and Merry was pulled off of her by Boromir, and even more so when Aragorn held out his arm for her to take. Letting him pull her off the ground she was pulled straight into a hug, "I am so happy to see you alive and well, Arya."

            "You too," she smiled as she pulled away searching for Legolas with her eyes. "Where is Legolas?" She asked when she could not find him. Glancing around once more she frowned slightly, "and where is Gimli? They haven't imprisoned him, have they?"

            "Of course not," Aragorn laughed, "Legolas has taken to join the Galadhrim on their watches, and the last nights he has taken Gimli with him."

She looked at him in silence before a smile broke out on her face, "well would you look at that, our elf and dwarf certainly is getting more friendly with each other!"

            "It would seem so." Aragorn smiled, "would you join us for breakfast?"

            "I would love to," Arya replied. "I think I will be sleeping with you from now on, as lovely it is to sleep on a bed I must say I miss your company," she glanced around at the 6 men surrounding her, "besides, I am sure I would grow mad, should I have to stay cooped up in that room any longer!" They all laughed at her frown before leading her over to the tents where they had been sleeping.

A large table of wood with long benches on each side was placed outside of the tents. The table was filled with food, and she sat down with her friends happily - though she had no appetite. Looking at the 6 men surrounding her, she could easily pick up on their emotions. The ring was burdening Frodo, and doubts seemed to be hanging like a cloud over his head. Sam, always aware of his friends needs, made sure he ate, and pulled him into the conversation when he saw an opening. Boromir too, seemed to have dark thoughts hanging over his head, and his eyes kept straying towards the elves that walked past, mistrust and fear engrained in their depths. Aragorn kept quiet most of the meal - only helping Pippin and Merry in their retelling of their journey through Moria, when he had something to add.

            "What about you Arya, what happened to you?"

            "And the beast!" Pippin exclaimed - wide eyed, "what did you do to the beast?"

            "I suppose I killed it," she said softly, only to be met by cheers of the two hobbits, "now, now, young masters, do not cheer so readily for the death of other beings. Was he evil? Yes, but his life was no less worth than yours."

            "You sound like Gandalf," Frodo said sadly, his big blue eyes boring into hers. "You have learnt of his passing, I assume?"

            "Yes," Arya lowered her head, "Legolas told me when I woke up after they healed me. I will miss him greatly, for he is someone I have counted as family for a long time."

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now