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To MadelynTheMarvelous - because: Can't they just kiss and be happy again? T_T

Arya braced herself both mentally and physically for the inevitably hard landing she was about to experience. Hitting several branches on her way down she could feel the air being beaten out of her.

With a loud crash she hit the ground, the little air that was left inside her escaping her lungs.

After gasping for air for several minutes she finally managed to get some into her lungs. Groaning she rolled over onto her back and spread her arms and feet out as she gazed up into the sky, slowly taking deep breaths as she mentally checked her body for injury.

Three broken ribs.

At least.

She heard several pairs of feet rushing through the forest long before they arrived. Though light on their feet, it would seem even elves could make the ground shake when they ran.

Groaning she closed her eyes, carefully letting her hand press along the planes of her stomach to check for further injuries.

            "Lay still, Arya."

Opening her eyes she could barely see Glorfindel as dark spots started to appear in her vision.

            "Nídh (that hurts)," she groaned as they lifted her up carefully.

            "We are going to move you back to Rivendell, and then we will heal you, now go to sleep."

She let herself succumb to the darkness, for once letting go of all her fears and worries.

*             *             *

Legolas frowned as he once again put all his focus into reaching out towards Arya - just as he had done several times during the last fortnight. Like last time he could feel nothing. Even as much as he searched there was just this vast emptiness, as if she had disappeared completely off of the world.

Rubbing his fingers against his temples he exhaled slowly as he closed his eyes momentarily. Hearing the rest of the Fellowship walk up behind him he realized he must have been zoned out for longer than he thought, and he glanced around quickly to take in his surroundings before turning to Gandalf and Aragorn who reached him first.

            "So far we seem to be unnoticed by the enemy, I suggest we walk up to that top before we rest, there we will see anyone who might try to sneak up on us."

            "No luck in reaching her?" Gandalf smiled good-naturedly as he looked at the elven prince, but he too looked worriedly towards the horizon.


            "It is not hard to figure out that is what you are doing every time you have the chance," Aragorn said, clasping a hand over his shoulder in solidarity. "We all worry about her Legolas."

            "I can't feel her at all," Legolas said, pulling the vambrace off his left arm before tugging at the sleeve he glanced down at the small dragon that was curled up into a tight ball. It had been motionless since the day after she left, and it worried him immensely - even though he had vowed to himself to stop thinking about her, that he needed time to think about what he wanted. He had spent too much time looking for her, too much time wondering what it would be like if he met her again. Now that he had, there was so many feelings all at once that he had no idea how to sort through them.

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now