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To cwissiee - for reading both books in two days.

They had been trekking through the darkness for a long time, and Legolas kept on checking his arm, watching as the dragon moved around slowly. Its head was still pointing backwards, indicating that Arya was probably still climbing up the side of the mountain.

            "Is the lass ok?" Gimli came up beside him just as he was retying the vambrace onto his arm, and he looked down at the dwarf in surprise. "I think so," he answered softly, "she is moving, but I fear she is hurt because she is not moving as quickly as she usually does. Knowing her, and her stubborn mind - she probably refuses to heal herself."

            "She's got a will of steel, that one, that is for sure."

Legolas offered the dwarf a small smile, wondering if maybe he had been a just a little prejudiced. However, before he could say anything, Gimli's attention was drawn towards something else, and with a yell of distress he surged forwards. Legolas followed quickly, with the rest of the Fellowship following right behind him.

The tomb of Balin was placed in the middle of the room, and it was heartbreaking to see Gimli grieve his fallen cousin. As the others settled around Gandalf as he red from a book he had found next to the tomb. The Book of Mazarbul held the records of Moria. Orì, also one of Arya and Gandalf's earlier companions, was the one wrote the last entries - and they did not depict anything happy. Slowly, everyone started to roll out their blankets, and nobody paid any special attention to the youngest member of their fellowship.

Legolas wasn't sure if he should laugh or sigh as Pippin he managed to make a skeleton and a long chain connected to a bucket fall down a bottomless well. It wouldn't have been so bad, had the noise not ricochet through the hollow shaft. He knew Arya would have rolled her eyes and smiled at the young hobbit, but also that she would have defended him fiercely as Gandalf's voice boomed through the room:

             "Fool of a Took!" He started with a growl. "This is a serious journey, not a hobbit walking-party. Throw yourself in next time, and then you will be no further nuisance. Now be quiet!"

Legolas watched as the young hobbits shoulders slumped, and walked over to him as the rest of the Fellowship waited silently in anticipation for something to happen. Gently placing his hand on Pippin's shoulder he gave him a gentle squeeze, offering him his support, as he knew Arya would have done. Though hers would probably have been more verbal and containing a spitball of fire sent in Gandalf's direction. Pippin looked up in surprise, not used to interacting with the elf, but smiled nevertheless.

His expression fell as suddenly faint knocks could be heard through the well. Tom-tap, tom-tap. They quieted again for a moment before they were back, stronger this time:


Tom-tap, tom tap...


Tom-tap, tom-tap...

Tom-tap, tap, tap, tap...

They all looked around at each others, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. The knocking, that had sounded suspiciously like signals being sent back and forth. As the echoes died down, the Fellowship started moving again, deciding they should have guards during their rest. Gandalf decided that Pippin should be awarded with the first watch because of his stupidity, before grumbling to himself and rolling up underneath a blanket.

Legolas walked over to the saddened hobbit, leaning up against the wall besides him, right outside the room where the Fellowship was resting.

            "You don't have to look after me you know," Pippin said quietly, "I have learnt my lesson, and I promise I won't do anything wrong."

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now