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To Elsa_Styles1s - for waiting patiently for my weekly updates

Legolas kept pacing back and forth in his room, occasionally glancing down at the dragon-mark on his wrist.

It seemed to be going crazy - twisting and turning around in circles, occasionally stopping for short moments. Like right now - when it was pointed towards the balcony. Huffing, he tiredly bent over the basin, splashing the clear water into his face before drying off again. The night was silent, and he walked over to the archway leading out onto the balcony, and leaned his right shoulder on the archway, the fingers of his right hand tracing the moving dragon on his left arm.

It was moving again now, its head pointing towards a couple of trees to the right of the balcony and against his better judgement his blue eyes searched the trees for any sign of her.

He knew it was in vain.

He shouldn't hope, but he couldn't help himself.

Seeing nothing, he groaned softly before rubbing a hand over his tired face before deciding that he probably should try to sleep - though it had proved difficult for the last... seven or so decades.

Just as he was about to turn, something moved in the trees to his left, and his eyes searched the tree for movement, only seeing something small disappear amongst the leaves of the tree, probably a bird.

It was too small to be the one he desired it to be.

* * *

"Nonsense, I know she is here, and I demand to see her!" Gruff voices reached her ears and a small smile curved her lips. "Come on lass, where are you?"

Changing forms she stepped out from the shades the trees offered, making a wide hood extend from the scaly armour, covering her red hair and laying her facial features in shadow.

Moving silently towards the bickering group of dwarves and a perplexed Lindir trying to usher them to their rooms.

"Is there a problem here, my lords?" She asked softly once she reached them, making all the dwarves jump and suspiciously draw their weapons. Her lips curved into a smile and her eyes shone with mirth.

"Lower your weapons," a gruff voice spoke up, separating the dwarves as he pushed his way through them. His hair was still red and his beard as large as ever. "Lass!"

"Glóin," she laughed, bending to her knees and enveloping the dwarf in a hug. "It is a pleasure to see you my dear friend."

"It's been far too long," Glóin said, his hands holding onto her shoulders as he spoke, "Balín sends his regards.

Opening her mouth to reply she felt goose-bumps form on the back of her neck, her whole body tensing up.

He was here.

Sending off quick messages to Lindir and Glóin she got to her feet, her posture stiff.

Peaking over her shoulder she saw him there, standing a mere couple of meters away from her. Her heart thudded rapidly against her thorax. Threatening to tear itself from its place in her chest.

"Glóin," his voice was just as she remembered. Smooth and regal. Though there was less of the warmth she was used to.

"Legolas," Glóin nodded his head slightly in acknowledgement before glancing over at Arya again.

"I was wondering if you know where Mithrandir is. I need to speak to him."

She could feel his eyes on her, even though his question was aimed at Lindir.

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now