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To Shania_Maynard - for telling the Balrog to get his ass out of the way.

Aragorn was walking at a brisk pace, Gimli and Boromir behind him and Legolas following behind Them with Pippin and Merry running at his heels. Glancing backwards he noticed how Sam and Frodo had started to lag behind and whilst tightening his arms slightly around Arya, he jogged over to Aragorn and got him to slow down. Aragorn immediately ran back to Frodo and Sam, apologizing profusely for forgetting that their legs were significantly shorter and that they both had some injuries from the battle in the caves.

Together they found a place next to a small stream where they would eat and get some rest. Gimli and the two younger hobbits quickly started a small fire as Aragorn tended to Sam and Frodo.

Gently Legolas placed Arya close to the fire, the light of the flames dancing across her skin. Taking in the unnaturally pale hue on her face he quickly got up. With a piece of fabric, he walked over to the stream, letting it soak up the water before taking it back to her. Pushing her knotted hair back from her face he lightly cleaned all the grime off of her face and neck.


His eyes moved up to her eyes, and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he realized she was talking in her sleep.

"Legolas.." she sighed again, her head turning slightly towards him. Softly he smoothed away the frown on her face with the pads of his fingers.

"She still bleeding?" Aragorn asked, coming up by his side. "She is," Legolas answered, worry on his face as he pushed up her tunic to look at the bandage that was soaked in blood. "Should we check her wound?"

"I fear that she would be in more danger if we remove the bandage now. We have no idea how deep it is and I have nothing here to stitch her up. We should not linger here long though, hopefully they will be able to help her in Lothlórien."

"Will they let her in through their borders? Or us, for that matter?"

"They will have to let us in." Aragorn seemed sure of the matter, but there was one thing Legolas had absolutely no doubt about, "I will not cross those borders without her."

Aragorn smiled slightly and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, "I know."

* * *

When they reached the river Nimrodel Legolas sighed in relief and he encouraged the others to wash their feet in the stream. When the hobbits questioned him why, he smiled and told them that its waters would help them rid them of their weariness.

Reaching the other side of the river they decided to rest there for the night, and Legolas - sitting with Arya's head on his lap - told them about the legend of Nimrodel.

It didn't take long before the company had persuaded him into singing one of the songs of the maiden Nimrodel. The sad tones that left his lips were so soft that they had to lean closer to listen, but they all agreed it was beautiful.

A voice, however, stopped him just as he was reaching the end of a verse, making everyone shuffle closer, "Are you singing, Legolas?"

The light blush that crossed his cheeks did nothing to stop the smile that adorned his face as he looked down at the woman resting on his lap. Because for the first time since she had fallen asleep last night, she opened her eyes.

"Please continue," she said softly, her voice hoarse. "Your voice is beautiful."

"I do not know the rest of the song," he replied, brushing his thumb over her cheek before glancing up and meeting the eyes of Aragorn. "How are you feeling, Arya?" Aragorn moved closer and reached forwards with a hand to check if she had a fever.

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now