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To HeliumNarita - for braiding a black, silver and blue thread <3

Legolas jolted away from the mirror of Galadriel, his eyes closing momentarily to collect his thoughts. Opening them again he glanced first towards Gimli and Haldir who was standing a couple of meters to the side, their eyes gazing on him apprehensively, then he locked eyes with Galadriel:

            "Did you see what the mirror showed me?"

            "I did," Galadriel said calmly, her eyes meeting his so intensely that it felt like she saw straight through his soul. "You saw the exact same scene as Arya, though the mirror also showed you more, as she pulled away immediately after seeing it."

            "So she did not exactly see me die, only nearly. When the image changed I was still breathing, barely – but I was still alive."

Galadriel nodded her head, eyes never leaving his.

            "I do not get the first thing the mirror showed me after this though. The little girl in the meadow – I... I have seen that before, but it was nothing but a reoccurring dream I had when I was an elfling."

            "You dreamt of this?" Galadriel looked surprised, something Legolas almost found comical, as he was sure it was not a feeling she encountered often. "I have not foreseen this."

            "Do you know what it is? What she is doing there?"

            "You dreamt of Arya over a millennia before you met her it seems, though her appearance was much different."

Legolas smiled slightly to himself, but did not ask any more questions. Instead, he thought of the final images the mirror had shown him, the smile stretching across his face at the mere possibility of that happening. Galadriel, seeing where his thoughts had taken the way – smiled as well, her eyes glinting. Before they left the mirror she encouraged him to keep those happy images at the front in his mind, rather than focusing too much on the possibility of that one dark one happening. She also encouraged him to tell Arya of this image, when he next met her giving her something good to look forwards to as well.

*                        *                        *


Thranduíl looked at her expectantly as she avoided his gaze and bit her lip.

            "I have already realized that my son and you are bound, I only wish to know how long ago, and how it happened."

            "It's not so easy," she mumbled softly.

Frowning slightly, Thranduíl came over to the bed, gently sitting down on her side again; "then start from the beginning."

Arya launched into the story, starting first when she saw the dragon on his arm, asking Thranduíl if Legolas had ever showed it to him. The Elven-King nodded, before gesturing for her to continue. She then told him of how she had travelled to Imladris to seek some answers, and that Glorfindel had made her aware of the possibility that she had bound her soul to his when she had healed him back in Dale, all those years ago.

            "Are you telling me you have been bound to him all this time?"

Thranduíl's eyes had widened slightly in surprise, but he held back his questions as he saw her gaze lower and a sad expression crossing her face. It took her a moment to collect her thoughts, and continue with the story and he caught himself subconsciously tapping his fingers against his lap as he became impatient.

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now