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To Redorlem - for being the first one to comment on Book Two of the story about Arya :)

Circling the halls of Thranduíl from above Arya could barely glimpse it through the trees. She spotted a couple of elves that had seen her, but so far they had done nothing. Diving down she changed forms midway and grabbed a branch to slow her fall before she dropped down to the ground. Arms raised in surrender as several arrows were aimed her way.

            "Lasto nin (listen to me)," she started, voice calm and reassuring but one of the guards interrupted her before she could continue.

"Man cerig hí? (what are you doing here?)"

"Man tôg? (Who is the leader?)" she countered, and one of them stepped forwards. She nodded her head respectfully.

"Ieston tenned aran edhellen Thranduíl (I wish to see elven king Thranduíl)."

When nobody replied, Arya raised her eyebrows at them, lowering her arms slowly until they were resting against her sides; "mas te (where is he)?"

The guards whispered amongst themselves, and one of them was sent towards the keep, but other than the leader of the guards, no one would speak to her.

            "Man ci (what are you)?" The guard asked, eyes narrowed as he looked at her.

            "Nin istog (you know me)." Arya replied with a smirk. "Im amlug (I am (a) dragon)."

Taking a couple of steps towards the head guard she let her eyes darken until they were blazing with fire and her smile seemed more sinister than reassuring, "I am the Darkling."

The guards eyes widened and he took several steps back, as did many of his men.

            "De toled (he is coming)," a guard stepped slightly towards the leader, bowing his head while glancing towards Arya who was now rolling her head from side to side, her eyes piercing each of the guards.


Her eyes flashed over to the elven king who was storming out through the gates and she raised her arms, before flamboyantly bending down in a deep bow.

            "I edhellen Thranduíl (my king Thranduíl)," Arya stepped forwards slowly, the color of her eyes slowly returning to their normal hue. "Telin o Imladris, bow pedim (I come from Imladris, it is necessary that we speak)." Glancing around at the other guards she added in a lower voice so that not everyone would hear; "ero (alone)."

With a sharp nod from Thranduíl the guards dispersed, and he gestured for her to follow him into his halls. They soon found themselves in the same room where he had made her take off her cloak to inspect the markings on her back.

            "Well, well, well... doesn't this bring back memories..." she said dryly.

            "Was it necessary to scare my guards?"

Arya smiled slightly and then shrugged her shoulders. "They wouldn't answer me, and I got bored... and..." She looked up at him, and an embarrassed look crossed over her face, "sometimes it is hard to control it."

Thranduíl nodded his head in understanding. Before a small smile pulled at the corners of his lips, "I promised my son I would lock you up if you ever came back here."

Arya raised one eyebrow inquisitively, but said nothing as he continued.

            "At least until you decided to stay," he finished.

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now