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To @Squeaks01 - because she called Legolas a Balrog, and when I said I was unsure how he would feel about that she wrote this: "I would imagine Arya saying that to him, then him playfully calling her an orc" Which I have to say, I found completely endearing.

"We will cross here," Haldir said, stopping at the riverbank. "In these dark times it is unwise to have bridges so we will make one of ropes."

Legolas gently placed Arya on the ground, once again checking her pulse and breath, and found both to be softer than he would have liked. Looking up again he watched as Haldir whistled sharply, and he watched another ellon spring forth on the other side of the river. Haldir tied off a long rope around a thick tree before fastening the other end on the tip of his arrow, shooting it across the river. The ellon on the other side quickly tightened it and tied it securely around a tree trunk.

"This is how we will cross," Haldir said, jumping up onto the rope where he found his footing easily enough. "I might be able to do this easily enough by myself," Legolas replied, "but I will not risk Arya's life, and I am unsure if my friends will be able to cross with only a rope underneath their feet."

"This is why we will tie off two more ropes, one around the height of your waist, and the other above your head, this way they will have something to hold on to. As for the female, we will have to make a harness of some sort and tie her to the upper rope so that we can pull her along the rope to the other side."

Legolas nodded quickly, approving of this plan and watched in silence as Haldir fastened to more ropes just like he had said. Hearing rustling behind him, he turned just in time to see his companions come rushing through the trees, the hobbits and Gimli breathing heavily at having to run at such a speed to catch up to them.

"How is she?" Pippin asked, once he had caught his breath, settling on his knees next to Arya's side.

"Weaker than I would have liked," Legolas answered softly, "but if there is anything I have learned about Arya, it is that she will fight with her very last breath to pull through." Seeing the distressed look on the young Hobbit's face he offered a small smile, even though he knew it would look more tense than reassuring. "Have faith that she will pull through young Took, it is all we can have at this point."

Haldir had told Orophin of his plans, and together they had made a harness out of a blanket and some ropes, and together the three ellons secured her to it, and then tied her up on the upper rope. Legolas walked in front of the harness, easily keeping balance and pulling at the harness without having to use the other ropes for support. Haldir jumped up on the rope behind the harness and gently pushed it forwards, and together they made it to the other side easily.

Quickly untying her and lowering her motionless body to the ground, Legolas set to work on getting her out of the harness, all the while keeping an eye on the rope bridge to make sure his other companions made it over safely. Gimli walked first, his broad body shuffling slowly over the bridge, cursing the light feet of the elves the entire way. Next came Frodo, with Aragorn close behind so that he would be able to catch the hobbit should he fall. Orophin followed with Merry, Boromir with Sam and lastly Haldir - whom had run back to the other side as soon as he had helped Legolas get Arya to the ground - with Pippin.

It was as he was about to lift her body off of the blanket her eyes suddenly popped open, one of her hands clutching his upper arm as the other fingers curled against the fabric directly over her heart. She met his eyes, forcefully drawing breath into her lungs.

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now