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To @dorienmons - for the *suggestive eyebrow wiggling*

A sigh went through her as their lips touched, and all thoughts flew out from Arya's mind. She could feel the bond between them drumming to the beat of her own heart - both rapidly and insanely.

Legolas couldn't help but sigh contentedly as Arya leaned into him. His hands moved as if having their own will, one moving to her waist to pull her towards him and the other moving to the back of her neck; his fingers tangling through her still wet hair. When a sigh left her lips too, he couldn't help but pull her closer, turning them both to the side until her back was gently pressed against a tree. He struggled to hold back, knowing that her injuries still hurt.

Arya grumbled against Legolas' lips as she tried - in vain, to lift her arms and wrap them around his shoulders. She could feel him smirking against her own lips, and a small yelp of surprise left her as he suddenly bent down slightly, gently grabbing hold on her thighs and lifting her up until she could wrap her arms around him without trouble. Her dress - luckily, were quite loose, and the fabric had been fluttering around her feet in several layers while she had been standing. Now, the split fabric on the dress made it easier for Legolas to push it aside just enough so that he could rest her tighs on his hips, gently holding them there as he carefully leaned into her, the bark on the tree digging into her back.

"Better?" He breathed against her lips, his forehead resting against hers.

Nodding, she pulled him closer, her legs locking together behind his back, freeing his hands to once again move up to her neck. She felt more then saw the smile on his face, his blue eyes shining brightly as they looked into hers. Skimming over her bottom lip with one of his thumbs, he gently pulled her forwards again, the kiss becoming more heated the longer they kept going.

Legolas felt her fingers gently grace along his jaw and neck, but not once did her hand move down towards where the dragon was placed. Her fingers seemed to be tracing a map across his skin, as if she was trying to commit his features to her mind by mapping them out with her fingers. They both had to pull away after a while, both gasping for air and with swollen, almost bruised lips.

Leaning towards each others forehead with noses touching, Legolas glanced down to his chest quickly, a surge of feelings rushing through him as he noticed the dragon still resting calmly on his chest.

"I thought the dragon would disappear when you removed the link?" He asked once his breathing had evened out some, one hand moving down to hold her thigh up, the other gently pushing the red hair out of her face.

Arya's eyes widened and a deep blush bloomed on her cheeks as she glanced down to his chest. "I... I didn't..." she looked up, meeting his eyes while scrunching her nose up slightly; "I got distracted. I didn't do it."

Leaning in towards her with a smile upon his face, Legolas let his lips skim along her cheekbone and straight up until they brushed against her earlobe, his voice husky as he spoke; "I got distracted too."

She chuckled - her cheeks still tinted red. Legolas pulled back, pressing a soft kiss to her jaw as he passed it. He felt the bond he had made strengthen its hold, its tendrils gripping onto her soul and sending rivulets of emotions through him.

"Had I known you needed to kiss me like this to remove the mark, I would have agreed sooner." He laughed quietly, meeting her eyes. Looking closely, he saw something he didn't anticipate, a speck of blue shining through her otherwise warm hazel-colored right eye. Knowing this was rare, he couldn't help but smile softly, his thumb brushing along her cheekbone under her eye.

"It's all about the kisses, is it?" She smiled, and he leveled out his gaze, trying his best not to only focus on the right one - so that she wouldn't notice. He knew deep down that he should tell her, but he couldn't help but want to keep it to himself for a while - unsure of how she would react that he had used his one chance of bonding by binding his soul to hers. "With you, it is." He smiled mischievously, poking her nose with his playfully, "at least so far."

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now