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To @Squeaks01 - Because: 'Creeptacular'

Thranduíl found himself to be frozen in fear, his wide eyes looking down on the lifeless woman in his lap.

            "Arya?" Dwalin was shaking her shoulders, patting her face from time to time. "Arya!" His voice shook as tears fell from his eyes, "don't do this, please! Fight it!"

            "She's not breathing!" Dwalin looked up at Thranduíl with despair in his eyes, only to be met with the same wide-eyed fear. Exhaling shakily Thranduíl shifted so that Arya was laying on the floor, before he bent down until his lips were at her ear; "you need to fight, Arya. You need to live!"

Nothing happened, and he could feel his heart clench. "Please." he resorted to begging, something he could not remember doing ever. "You cannot die, Arya. If you die, I will lose my son too. I cannot lose Legolas too, please. You need-"

His silent rambling against her ear was interrupted as her back suddenly arched, her mouth open and forcefully gasping for air. Her body relaxed again after a couple of moments, her breathing shallow and heartbeat weak, but there – luckily.

            "Whatever you did, Elven-King, I thank you," Dwalin said, emotions clear in his eyes as he gently ran a hand through her hair. Thranduíl surpressed his emotions, more out of habit than anything else, and gently wrapped one arm underneath her knees, and the other underneath her back.

Several guards and other sprang into action, offering to take her but he denied their offers and carefully carried her into his son's bedchambers. Someone pulled back the covers of the bed, and he put her down, before tucking her in. Asking for someone to fetch one of the healers he motioned for everyone else to leave the room.

Dwalin stayed by the other side of the bed, refusing to leave, and there was also someone else, hovering around in the background.

            "Yes, Lurhien, what is it?"

            "Aran nín (my king)," Lurhien stepped forwards, head bowed but eyes flickering towards the bed where Arya lay motionless. "Will Arya... Lady Arya be alright?"

            "Let us hope so," Thranduíl said softly, one of his hands gently pushing away her hair so that he could feel her forehead. "My son will be very cross if anything happens to her." Lurhien smiled gently and bowed his head, before walking out of the room.

* * *

Legolas stumbled slightly behind Haldir, fingers clutching his chest as the wind was suddenly knocked out of him.

            "Lad? You alright?" Gimli came up behind him, eyebrows furrowed.

            "Something is wrong," Legolas groaned, face scrunched up in pain.

            "It is the bond," Haldir said, stepping up to him quickly, a worried expression on his face; "it has to be. Come, I will take you to Galadriel."

Legolas braced himself on Gimli's shoulder as he walked, the dwarf slowly walking besides him as they made their way towards the center of Lórien. Suddenly the pain stopped, but it brought him to his knees – his eyes wide.

It was gone.

Bending forwards and curling his fingers into the earth he closed his eyes, searching for the bond that bound him with Arya, but it was not there any more. The pain returned, but it was different this time. He no longer hurt because she was hurting, but because of the loss of their connection. Feeling tears start to drip from his eyes he blinked furiously, all his efforts going to try and find the bond again.

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now