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To Shania_Maynard - for letting my story become her drug (I do not normally condone of drug use, but I'll let this one slide ;D)

"So why did you not join them?" Arya asked, leaning against the banister next to the fair-haired elf. She had come back from Mirkwood around mid-day, and had spoken to Elrond for a while before taking a walk in the gardens. Elrond had requested that she stayed in Rivendell until further notice, so she did not have the clear to go after the fellowship yet.


"Sorry?" She looked up into his blue eyes confusedly, before remembering she had asked him a question. "Oh, I'm sorry Glorfindel, I got lost in my own thoughts there for a moment."

He smiled at her good-naturedly and repeated his answer: "Elrond took part of deciding who were to go. Nine walkers to be set against the nine riders of evil, and all representatives of their kind; Elves, dwarves, men, hobbits and wizards. Though he suggested, they all agreed to go by themselves, Legolas and Gimli for instance has both pledged to go as far as the mountains, and maybe further, should they wish it at the time."

"But you are one of their greatest warriors, it does not make sense to me that-"

"Sometimes, being the best warrior does not lead to the best companion. The hobbits are small, and can easier disappear in the shadows should they need to. I am content to stay here and help when I can."

Arya nodded her head slowly, contemplating his answer. "I'm not sure if I can give up the fight," she said after a while, looking up at the elf. "I am not sure if I would be able to stay here, away from it all and be content with that."

"You," Glorfindel turned until he was facing her completely his eyes attentive as they stared into hers, "or the darkness inside of you?"

She took several steps away from him, her eyes widening and her heart thudding erratically in her chest.

"Do not misunderstand me Arya, I do not believe you to be solely dark. But it is there. What surprises me is how much you seem to be in control of it, I have never seen anything like it."

"What..." Arya looked at him in surprise, "are you saying you know about the Darklings? As in know more about them.. us, than of thei- our existence?"

"You forget," Glorfindel smiled slightly, "I am very old. Even when talking about elves."

"So you met others like me?"

"Like you? None," Glorfindel replied as he looked to the ground. Upon seeing her distressed face he went on to explain what he meant. "I never talked to any of them because they were nearly impossible to kill and even worse to catch alive. They all had their areas of excellence, though it all had to do with warfare, fighting and torment. The thing they all had in common was that they acted with complete ruthlessness. They never took a second glance, never regretted, never felt anything, never showed any remorse."

Arya swallowed hard, her eyes falling to the ground as she felt her hopes for her own future diminish.

"Arya, they were nothing like you." Glorfindel slowly reached out to clamp a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "There is darkness in you, yes - but there is also light. A light I have never experienced in a being that was meant to be dark. You struggle every day to keep that light burning, to not let the darkness take over your body and soul. I do not know how long you will have to fight Arya, but you must keep fighting."

"It is exhausting," she said dejectedly. "It is hard to fight something that you know essentially belongs in you. I haven't been cursed, or taught to be this way. I was born to be this... this evil monster! Rhaich (curses)!"

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now