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To Alvainia - because she claimed to not be a pterodactyl screeching (I think you are, just admit it), and because I've loved dinosaurs since I was a little girl.

Recap (since you have been forced to wait for such a long time :( ) - After battling it out with words that ended with Legolas leaving in anger, Arya went with Haldir to the training grounds where they talked and she sparred with him and his brother. Legolas arrived, distraught and what she would call an emotionless state, and he challenged her to battle it out with him. We left them mid action, Legolas had hit her sword out of her hand and is now pressing his own sword against her chest.

*                                *                                 *

Taking a chance and glancing quickly to the side her hand shot out and grasped for the hilt of the sword that someone had thrown in her direction. Just about catching it, she quickly angled it until it was underneath the one Legolas was currently pressing against her chest. With force she pushed his sword upwards, taking a small step back and turning her head to the side. Legolas was still pushing forwards as she tried to move his sword, so it cut into the skin at her collarbone, carving a shallow path up her throat and cheek before she managed to step further back and push his sword away from her.

"Enough!" She roared, and with a flurry of movements she managed to unarm him, before tripping him and aggressively pushing him to the ground. When he tried to get up she grabbed hold of his neck, holding him down as she settled with her knees on either side of his waist. With her own sword pressing gently right underneath his jaw.

"I win," she snarled, eyes flashing wildly.

The silence around them was pressing, and she was about to let go and storm off when she felt something press against her side. Glancing down she saw the small dagger he had poised at the side of her chest. Pulling away the sword she had at his neck, she lowered it to the ground.

"Fine," she said, voice silent and defeated. "Go ahead." Leaning back slightly until she was sitting upright she released his neck from her hold, arms falling to her side and her gaze settled on his.

Legolas inhaled and then exhaled slowly.



Then he lowered the dagger he had pulled out of his boot, tossing it to the ground a little away from them.

"For a moment I thought I might be able to, but I think we both know that I would never be able to end your life."

"You certainly gave it your best shot," she grumbled, before climbing off him and flipping herself onto her back on the ground besides him. Breathing heavily, she moved one hand up to press against the wound he had inflicted on her neck. Pulling it away again she found blood covering her hand.

"Aphado nin (come with me)," looking at the extended hand in front of her face she moved her stare at the man behind the hand.

"Rumíl," she said, before letting him pull her off of the ground. Letting go he started to lead her away, presumably towards the healing house. Glancing over her shoulder while still holding her hand over as much as she could of the wound she met Legolas' eyes. He was sitting up, eyes following her solemnly as she walked away. They were calm now. Filled with more emotions than she could manage to classify, but it calmed her immensely. She would take this any day; over the empty gaze he had looked at her with earlier.

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now