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To sarcasticandinsane - because: WE'RE SUPPOSED TO DECIDE?!


Her head swiveled around until she locked eyes with the young hobbit who immediately lowered his gaze.

"Yes, young master Took?"

            "I... We... Uhm..."

She stopped walking as he stuttered incomprehensible sentences, "well spit it out Pippin, I promise I won't bite." She laughed as his eyes widened and his cheeks and ears became red.

            "I was just wondering... I mean what... I've never met anyone like you before, are you a sorceress?"

            "No, I am no sorceress," Arya stated, looking at the little hobbit with a smile, from the corner of her right eye she could see the rest of the Fellowship pay rapt attention to their conversation.

Pippin look like he was about to walk away, probably thinking she would not tell him anything else, so she gently placed a hand on his shoulder. He flinched, and she moved her hand quickly, a sad look crossing her face. She covered up the expression on her face quickly, but it was easy to see for those who paid special attention.

            "I am something that stems from the old days, and though I cannot remember it, I am most likely several thousand years old. On the common tongue, my kind is known as the Darklings. Now," she was quick to cut further reactions off, "before those of you who have heard that name before panics, be assured I mean you no harm in any form. I am merely here to help in any way that I can."

            "I have never heard of Darklings before," Merry spoke up, "but the name does sound quite ominous."

            "They were servants of Morgoth or Melkor as he is known to you, a breed between dragon and elves," Legolas said quietly, "they killed and tortured all kinds of races, rarely leaving anyone unharmed."

Boromir, Sam, Pippin and Merry each took several steps away from her, fear in their eyes.

            "She has just told us she means us no harm," Frodo spoke up and stood from the stone he had been sitting on as the Fellowship had taken a short break. "I for one, believe her, and find her a welcome change to this arduous journey."

            "Why do not you take the ring?" Boromir spoke up, his eyes shining as the idea hit him. You could just fly over Mordor and-"

            "No, Boromir." Arya said, her voice strong but her eyes cast down to the earth as her eyes flashed orange. "I cannot take the ring, for I know not what it would do to me. Within me there are powers I do not even know, and the ring would use that against me, against all of you. I cannot take the ring, for it would find greater power than it could ever hope for, and my soul is already darkened because of my race and heritage. Had I taken it, there would be no going back. The world would meet its end, should the ring fall into my hands, and I would - as my kind were - be no more than a slave to evil."

They did not say anything after that, the Fellowship seeming to be lost in thought. With her head lowered to the ground she walked away from them, eyes burning - but not with her usual flames.

*          *        *

            "Goheno nin (forgive me)."

            "There is nothing to forgive, Legolas."

            "I was wrong to voice my knowledge of your kind like that. I made it sound like you were evil, when I know you are not, and for that I ask you to forgive me."

Shades Of Darkness (Legolas/LotR) Book 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now