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"So what's it like to be so young and have your dream come true?" " you know what Ellen, it's an honor for something like this to happen to me at only 17." "Well (y/n) it's an honor to have you here. I just have 1 last question?" "Okay, I can answer anything" "how excited are you to finally meet Justin Bieber?" "OMG I am more excited than ever! I have been waiting 5 years for this!" "Well than I'm really happy that this is happening for you! Much deserved after so many years!" "Thank you so much Ellen!" "Anything darling. Now go meet your idol! We'll get you there right now" "i'm so not prepared for meeting him right now but it's better than never." "Keep us in touch yeah?" "Definitely Ellen! Thank you so much" "everyone (y/n). She's 17 years old from California and her song "This is It" on iTunes right now, everyone go buy it. Thanks so much (y/n)" "thank you Ellen! We'll talk soon" "for sure! Lets go to commercial and we'll be right back with a special surprise for the audience.

The show goes to a commercial.

"Thank you so much Ellen, we'll keep in touch." "Definitely (y/n) see you soon." Nick and I walk off set.

"You ready to go back to the house to grab your stuff before we go to the concert?" "Yeah, I'm ready."

Nick & I get in the car to head back to my house and I go grab my things from my room. I walk out of my house quickly saying goodbye to my mom & back into the car with Nick.

"Ready (y/n)" "Ready"

He drives off towards the arena.

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