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I'll repeat myself, this is copyrighted ;D


Rin's POV

Amaterasu pulled me gasping from the water and swept me into her arms. I curled into a ball and I lay there shivering, coughing up red water.

The boatman looks livid and he hisses at Ama, "Don't even think about taking that soul away! You will be breaking the laws. I'll drag Uchiha Rin to the Pure World if I must!"

"Enough, Shinokawa," says Ama coldly and the boatman flinches, "I have negotiated with your master Shinigami. He will agree to certain circumstances. Now move or else I will make you."

Shinokawa glares at Ama and then smirks at my frightened face before closing his eyes and then falling into the red water. Ama looks on after him and then raises a finger. Light shines from her and everything disappears.

I find myself where I used to see Ama when I was alive. This was inside my mind. The pool of water with me standing in the center. Ama sitting at the other end of the pool, trapped by a transparent cage. And a new addition, a giant snake who blackens the water on his side. Right now the snake is lying on it's side. Is it sleeping?

"Who is Shinokawa?" I whisper.

"His name means 'death's river,'" says Ama, "he is the river itself that carries souls and spirits to the Pure World. His master is Shinigami, the death god." Ama sighs, "like humans, us Kami also have our own societies with friends and family. I happen to just be an acquaintance with Shinigami, so it was easier to negotiate with him about you." Ama leans foreword, "Your will to live for others has greatly impressed the other Kami, Rin. Shinigami is willing to give you a second chance."

My eyes widen and I feel my heart lift, "You mean...I can live again?"

"There are costs of course, it is nearly impossible to revive the dead. There is the exception of the Edo Tensei Jutsu invented by the second Hokage of your village Konohagakure....but even that requires sacrifice. For each person to be revived, you need to sacrifice a body." Ama leans forward, "Tell me Rin, how much are you willing to sacrifice to go back to the Impure World?"

Sacrifice? "Anything," I promise, "to go back, I would give away anything."

"But what is your purpose to go back? Did you think that your life was too short?"

"No!" I shout, horrified. How could Ama think that I was so selfish? I look down at my hands and I feel my tears starting to well up. "I let Itachi kill everyone in front of Sasuke. I promised them that I would protect them both but I failed pathetically." I sit down and I hug my knees, "Shisui said there were many kinds of things I could protect my family from. He mentioned pain and sadness...." I wanted to prevent those things from reaching them....but they did anyways!" I yell, "Itachi killed everyone even though he knew himself how much pain it would cause him! And Sasuke! He's so delicate in the mind...he is also in pain." I grip my hair tightly, "I let myself I can't be there for Itachi and Sasuke....I'm so weak....."

"Why don't you hate your eldest brother for what he did and just let it go?"

What kind of stupid question is that? "He's family," I snarl, "and I saw evidence of a greater truth. He looked truly happy when he spent time with us, he being Sasuke and I's Onii-san wasn't a bluff. And when he tried to kill me....a tear escaped....he was really sad that it happened. I need to fix all of this...I want my family to be happy again...."

Ama sighed. "Are you willing to sacrifice your reason to be alive?"

I looked up in confusion, "Reason....for me to go back you mean?"

Ama closed her eyes and said carefully, "I will strip you of all your past happiness and peace. In yourself, you will never remember how it feels like to be happy and painless."

I shivered, "Like a newborn baby?"

"A new born is left with nothing but curiosity to build on. However, you will have it much harsher. You will be left with nothing but pain and sadness. Anything good that you have felt will be replaced with agonizing pain of losing your family. An empty will be reduced to just that."

"For my family," I say firmly, "that is what I will do."

"You will be left with nothing, I really warn you, Rin. If you are not strong enough, your mind will be torn apart even. Just thinking about your past life will be like a dagger digging deep within you. The greatest fires and sharpest blades against your skin will not compare with this pain. Through this pain, you will awaken once again." Amaterasu holds out a hand on her palms are the words "seal" written in red ink.

I look into Ama's eyes, "Tell Shinigami-san that I say thank you." I creep forward and I stretch my hand into Ama's reach.

As my hand hovers over Ama's, I think about all my good memories with everyone. Eating dango, training, sitting on the branches of trees in the forest.....


My hand grasps Ama's and we seal the contract.

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now