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So here is the thing: I finished the video only to find out that it costed money to export it to YouTube, Email, CameraRoll etc. So, I will try to work my way around it. In the meantime, let's just continue with the story and not let some stupid app system get in our way :)

Okay...maybe this chapter WAS a little longer than expected. It's one of my favorites, mainly because I love the chapter name! Mainly because of something else! Thank you mystery person, for saying this word out loud and giving me the idea of using it!

I will be using copyrighted jutsu. Anything that isn't Rin, Haru, or Umi's jutsu I do not own. I do own Rin, Haru and Umi's jutsus, I'm pretty sure you can tell when their jutsus will pop up.

I completely messed up in the first book and practically this book. Rin's jutsus do NOT actually start with Yodoton. My bad. I still own Yodoton, but it's for different purposes. It will still be used, but Rin's jutsu will now start with Taiyoton. Yeah yeah, it doesn't sound as good as the first one, I know -_-

I'm writing the "normal" jutsus in English so I can save everyone the trouble of translations from Japanese ^ ^"

Wait I'll be honest, SOME of the "normal" jutsus will be made up on the spot. I don't own them. In fact, feel free to use them for your own stories !! "Normal" jutsus will start with Katon, Futon, Doton, Suiton or Raiton, other jutsus that don't start with these words are owned by me


I do not own Naruto.

I own any OC, original jutsus, the Takeshita clan, the entire plot of the story, and other media that goes with it. This is a copy-righted chapter.

Please vote and comment! This is one of my favorite chapters so I want to know how you think! Even though...this chapter doesn't seem very good -_-"

Twenty Minutes Earlier

Rin's POV

I swung my katana down, a wave of chakra arcing out. Haru ducked and ran towards me, the arc of chakra smashing into trees behind him.

"Too slow!" He yelled.

"I wouldn't count on it, Baka!"

But instead of coming at me, Haru slammed his sword into the ground, the chakra flowing out.

The ground buckled from impact. Crap! I leapt from place to place as the ground crumbled. How the heck is the ground shaking so much! Seriously I-

Something scratched my cheek and I blinked.

Haru retracted his spear tip and laughed, "BEAT THAT, I drew first blood!"

"Tch," I wiped my cheek, "you have two weapons, I got distracted."

"Excuses excuses Rin this is the shinobi world." Haru smirked, "But you worked pretty hard, so I'll say something kind to you."

What? That was unlike Haru. "What do you mean-"

Haru jabbed my nose, "Nice, try!" He sang.

"YOU IDIOT!" I brought down my katana, etching in every bit of chakra.

Haru brought up his spear, holding my blade in place. I pushed down, my fists were sweatig. Damn muscles hurt....

"Screw it!" I leapt back, Haru's spear tip narrowly missing my nose. arms....I looked at my katana. It was still glowing faintly from the chakra stored in it.

"Ha!" Haru spat, "Eat that! I knew you could never-"

With a sound like tinkling glass, the spear shaft shattered, falling on to the forest floor.

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now