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Rin's POV

I woke up in my bed and my first thought was, isn't Haru supposed to be sleeping in this bed instead of me?

This hideout was big, so he might be somewhere else. Was Orochimaru conducting tests on him now? I shivered, should I consider myself lucky that most experiments don't work on me? Perhaps that was the sole thing that was keeping me safe. No wait.... Ama was also here.

The door burst open and I jumped. In stomped five people wearing similar attire. The Sound's Five.

"What's up, runt," said Kidomaru, "get up, you're coming with us."

I stared. What was it now? Didn't I just have to get rid of those bloody wounds that Orochimaru told Kabuto to give to himself? "I don't feel like overworking myself today," I said in a dull voice.

"Please," snorted Ukon, "we'll be the ones overworking. Come on, get up."

I flushed, "I-I'm not even wearing anything proper!" I said indignantly, "Get out of my room!"

Jirobo rolled his piggy eyes, "Tayuya," he grunted, and with a jolt I realized she was the only girl.

"Oh kami no," I started to inch under the blankets.... "You don't have to that far."

"Two minutes," said Kimimaro, speaking it the first time, "meet us, Tayuya."

Tayuya cracked her knuckles. "Get out, now, Rin."

"At least it isn't 'runt.' " I muttered and I grabbed something to wear. Half glaring at Tayuya, I covered myself in the blankets and tugged my daytime cloths on.

Two minutes later, I was dragged out of my room. What was the point of walking? I let my feet give away and as expected, I was lifted up by Tayuya's arms. "That was completely unnecessary," I snarled, "what were you trying to do, kill me?!"

Tayuya threw me down on to the ground and I sat up, rubbing my head. "Have it your way, runt," she said smoothly, "follow me, or else I'll have to drag you again."

Tayuya kicked down the doors of a chamber and I entered it. Jirobo, Kidomaru, and Ukon had positioned themselves around a wide space, leaving a place for someone else to stand. Kimimaro was leaning on the wall in the corner, his eyes narrowed.

Tayuya took her place in the vacant stand and I stood, watching this entire arrangement. "What is this?"

"Hehe," chuckled Kidomaru, "all cursed seals have level two, runt. Kimimaro won't be participating in this ceremony because his seal is an Earth Seal. The rest of us all have a Heavenly Seal however, so we can contribute."

"You didn't answer my question," I said quietly, "what the hell is this?"

"We will activate your level two on the orders of Lord Orochimaru," said Ukon, "he is curious to see the extent of your powers with the help of the seal he gave you."

I resisted the temptation to snort in contempt. "How do you do that?"

Kidomaru scratched his chin, "Quite complex actually. Normally it would take years and years but I guess Orochimaru-sama is really interested so we have to speed the process up."

Tayuya cleared her throat, "Only, the one condition is that you will have to die once."

My eyes widened. Hell no. I already went through that. I thought about meeting Shinokawa again and I groaned. And how am I supposed to come back? Resurrecting was really painful. "I'm not dying again," I growl, "there is no freaking way I am going down there again."

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now