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Ah yes I updated. You'll find out who those two are later >:)  BWAHAHAHAHA -->>

and yes, I drew the picture myself. Completely. No photo shop or anything. And guess what? I copyrighted it and I have the original! This message is for any of you suckers who feel like taking my work. (jk jk I'm not being so harsh....but it's still mine >;)



Seriously! My readers are so inactive recently..... anyways...enjoy!

Rin's POV

"The training chamber is that way Rin."

I turned my head. "I'm aware of that. I just don't feel like training today."

Haru smirked, "Funny, I was thinking the same thing. However, we're both supposed to spar right now, under the supervision of Orochimaru."

I made a hand seal. "Kage bunshin no jutsu" With a puff of smoke, a second me appeared. She cocked her head and looked at me. I used Ama's chakra, so she wouldn't disappear from a single scratch. "There," I said, "you can spar with this person."

Haru sighed, "Might as well. Kage bunshin no jutsu!"

Our clones walked off in silence and I looked after them. Could personality be copied into clones? I never really worked hard on this jutsu so I didn't know...



Haru raised an eyebrow, "We need to hide before we're found."

I walked after Haru, "Yeah....." I smiled, this felt like when I used I secretly meet with Kakashi or play with my brothers underground. It was nice to be in on a secret with someone, no matter how small it was.

I was plunged into a bucket of ice and I felt my tears forming again. No! I slapped my cheeks, why the heck can't I just feel happy about my old memories?! It's like some sort of wall is blocking me! I'm crying when I don't want to! I'm feeling depressed when I don't want to! Why the heck did I have to choose my happy emotions of the past to exchange for a second life? I could have chose something else!

"Rin, why the heck are you slapping yourself?"

"Gyah! It's nothing! It's nothing!"

"It's annoying when you cry....." Haru sighed, "and why are you crying anyways? "

I rubbed my eye furiously, "I don't even know! The tears just came!"

Haru smiled wryly, "Let's just go."

Our walk slowly broke into a jog, then we were running at full speed.

"I bet I could beat you in speed."

I glanced at Haru. If I went light speed he wouldn't stand a chance. He didn't get a single thing. Two years, he should understand that speed is my best thing yet. But, where was the fun in having a high upper hand? "You're bluffing," I snapped, "don't be cocky, or else the fall will be harder."

Haru smirked, "Who said I will fall?"

We slammed through the cliff wall and leapt down into the forest.

Umi's POV

"See you some time later then."

I turned away from Itachi and leapt through the trees. As I had predicted, my mission was easy. I even had time to chat a little with Itachi. Actually, even with Kisame. I've gotten to know fish face over the two years. He's a fun guy, I've sparred with him on several occasions.

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now