Kiss the Holding Hands

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I'm back! Sorry for the wait...ehehe

Yeah...will post video when I can. My friend was a lot harder to convince than I thought... I'll be updating my status to tell you when the video will be posted :)

Oh right. I'm not really in for advertising my story. In fact, I have never done it before. But...if you ever have the time to do me a favor, tell your friends about this story and hopefully, they will enjoy just as much as you are :)

I do not own Naruto. I do own however, all the OCs, original jutsus, clans, and of course, this story's ENTIRE plot line ^ ^ This is copy righted (i would be an idiot not to copyright)

This chapter might not be as nice as the last one. I just didn't want to end the story with such a depressing chapter... So, I decided to continue the story for a little longer.

This chapter is supposed to have a video too. It's a song, only I edited it a little. I don't own the song. You'll get what I mean by "song" later. Oh yeah, it's going to be Rin's theme ^ ^ I drew the images I hope you like it when it comes out!

For any readers who are interested, the third book will take a while to come out (since I barely started on the cover -_-").... If you want, you can follow me to get the update when the third book will be posted ^ ^ I also thought it would be a little wierd if I was already on the Third book yet my number of readers would still be so tiny ;__; so I thought I would sit back and watch my readers for a little bit before starting my third book. I already got the first two chapters written. oh right. I need third book names. The outline should be Crimson _____ in the Uchiha. Ideas anyone? Thank you very much!

This is also one of my favorite chapters, so please do vote and comment! And most important of all, enjoy.





Dry. Something is scratching within my chest... Or is it scraping? Almost suffocating... It fills my throat... My flesh inside feels so raw..

I'm.... thirsty....


Kabuto's POV

"She's been like that ever since two nights ago."

I turned my head. Then, I turned my eyes back to Rin. She was sitting at the edge of a cliff, her legs dangling, her neck outstretched to catch all of the wind that was blowing. Her eyes were closed, her mouth half open.

She looked more deep in thought than depressed.

We, were standing at a perpendicular ledge, watching her.

"Where do you think Umi-chan and Haru-kun are?"

I shrugged, not bothering to look at Orochimaru-sama, "She came back alone."

"And quite the ruckus she caused," Orochimaru chuckled, "killed everyone in her way before going to her room."

"It really wasn't a ruckus actually," I said, "more of a silent kill. Like Momochi," I added, "she learned well."

We paused. "It's quite silent without them, eh Kabuto-kun? Those two would argue all the time. But speaking of the Takeshitas... My spies said they spotted Danzo earlier."

"....Danzo?" My hands shook. Danzo... The man that took away my friends, my mother, my...identity. If it wasn't for Orochimaru-sama...I would probably still be blundering around, unable to know who I am.

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now