Coming Back "Home"

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Sorry for the shortish chapter!

This is a late note, but you might be wondering why I do everybody's full names with the clan name first and why I say jutsus in Japanese and have the translations with "------- release" instead of "------ style."

This is because I am following with the subbed anime (and the English mangas with Japanese sound effects) because in my opinion, I don't think the dubs are doing a very good job. I just don't think the voices express enough and well enough. Besides, the subs are awesome anyways! Hate me, love me, that's my opinion and I respect yours. ;D

guess who these two are ;3 ---------------------------->>>


Rin's POV

Zabuza smirked, "Well damn, who knew that shoving us inside summoning scrolls would work so well."

Haku's hand slowly reached behind him. I saw senbon needles between his fingers.

Tadao paled considerably, "The demon of the Hidden Mist, Momochi Zabuza," he croaked, "welcome to my lair. What business do you have?"

"You got an impressive bounty on your head, Shiga. It attracted my attention," Zabuza chuckled, "you should watch your fame, others will get you for it."

"F-For old t-time's sake, Zabuza...."

"Feh," Zabuza spat, "we're just fellow criminals. The last time we met, you miserably tried to attain Haku for your own games. It didn't work to well, did it? Your old hideout was shattered into shards of ice."

"A y-year ago...." Stammered Shiga, then his face tightened as if he was making an effort to keep his emotions in check. Tadao's face straightened, "Either way, you cannot beat me. I have hundreds of men, not only underground but in the forest too. No shinobi has ever made it out."

Well, it pays to be a crime boss, doesn't it? Back in Amegakure, I swear they were selling the kids to this bastard. I'm going to kick his ass. It would never give me enough satisfaction to kill him. I want Orochimaru to torture him and hear his screams.

Oh kami, I sound like HokaNoJiko. I scanned the room. Katana, katana, There it is! One of the men were holding it! Ah, oh well. It's not like I'll be able to get it back with the chaos I was about to create.

Phase one: spread confusion

I swept my hand over the ground and mand said in a flat voice, "Yodoton, Bakuhatsu no shui no jutsu." (A/N: Perimeter of explosion technique). A circle started to glow around the three of us, and then everything outside of it within a three meter radius exploded, sending smoke around us.

There were shouts of confusion and I nodded at Zabuza "Let's go."


They were either dead or unconscious. I could feel HokaNoJiko gaining control and excitement to which I angrily pushed away. I've never been so blood thirsty before having her awaken. Speaking of which, when did she awaken? According to HokaNoJiko herself and Itachi, that would be right after Orochimaru and Kabuto attacked Sasuke and I.

Shiga sat shivering. He wasn't touched. In fact, he was still sitting on his throne of his. Only, the woman he was touching was gone. Dead? Probably, a while ago it was so chaotic. His white lips that were bleeding from being bitten in terror opened. "Sp-spare me-" Senbon needles were at his neck and Tadao fell foreword, hitting the ground wit a loud klunk.

"Hey!" I yelled at Haku, "I said don't kill him!" I ran forewords and kneeled down beside Tadao, checking for a pulse.

Zabuza snorted, "He didn't. Listen kid, what do we do now? We have Shiga, but we need to get the hell out. And besides, who will Shiga go to?"

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now