In the Darkness of the Prison

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the original characters. I do own Uchiha Rin and any other original characters, as well as MY original plot and any of Rin's jutsus. 

This is copyrighted.

Rin's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and I listened carefully. The katana that Orochimaru lent to me rested on my hip as I held it by my side. Hurry up...hurry up...

I heard the sound of air being sliced apart and I smiled softly, well, at last. 

I turn my eyes and in the slowest motion, I see ten shurikens flying at me. My katana goes through the air and the blades fall useless onto the ground.

Suddenly there were multiple rips of wind and I lift my head to see so many kunai and shuriken coming towards me in a glinting hemisphere. A storm of blades, it was starting.

Kidomaru's POV

Heh, the brat's fast. All I could see was the glint of metal as they all clashed together. All of us were positioned around the room, hurling just about every single weapon we had. So the girl could dodge and hit so weapons with that katana...

Hehe, time to kick it up a notch. I know Orochimaru-sama had ordered us to restrict ourselves, but it never hurt to add a little fun...

Rin's POV

Something that was a sickening transparent yellow color whizzed at me towards my face and I instinctively used my katana to swipe it away. I heard a dark chuckle and then nothing. I tugged at my katana but it was heavier than usual. No was stuck to whatever I had hit?!

More slicing air. Oh great, I have to make my way through this with some weird saliva induced arrow stuck to the tip of my katana? I gritted my teeth, what else can I do? I wasn't allowed any jutsus.

Kimimaro's POV

I looked amusedly at Rin who was forced to use her katana with that disgusting thing lodged onto it. Many shurikens and kunais were jammed stuck into the arrow because of it's trapping sap that was on it. One of Kidomaru's special arrows. So Kidomaru was using some of his specialties now? Then it was about time we did too.

Enough of this test of vision and instinct speed, Rin already passed it. Let's take a look at her taijutsu. I nodded at the remainders of the Sound's Five, and I called out from my hiding place.

"Rin, we're going to engage in close-combat."

"What?!" Rin spun around trying to locate my voice but I was hidden by a seal on the walls, as everyone else was too.

"We know you won't last long..." Chuckled Jirobo, "but we wanted to see how long you would last. Don't worry, we won't use jutsus."

Then we leapt forward.

Rin's POV

They were fast, even for me. I easily saw their movements in slow motion, but then again, they were all coming at me at once. Maybe I should be feeling grateful that they aren't using jutsus. But they could still do their Kekkai Genkai right?

Oh kami, no.

I know for a fact that Ukon hadn't perfected his level two curse seal so he shouldn't be splitting apart any time soon. However, Kimimaro...I dodged some of his finger bones and I let myself leap high into the air. Only, Tayuya --who was still older than me and bigger in size-- was also a light footed one. She whipped out two kunai and we started clashing as we fell back to earth.

Bones spiraled out of Kimimaro's forearms as they stretched to tangle me. I can't dodge them while I'm in the air....great....I grabbed Tayuya's shirt and I propelled myself out of the way just as the bones came.

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