Tales of the Past~Pt. 1

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ARGH! I can't stand it anymore! To hell with my promised directory for story art, I'm putting on chapters. And by the way, I posted a really horribly drawn sketch on Coming Back "Home."

This book is copyrighted. I own any OC, original jutsu and clans (etc), basically the entire plot of the story and et cetera.

I do not own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

This will be a short chapter. It is kind of like a "review of the past" filler mini arc, just to contradict the fact that we went to the future! It's like Naruto transferring to Naruto Shippuden in the Manga and having a review of Kakashi's past! Oh right...this arc will last two chapters. It'll be boring, but stay with me!

Oh my god.....I just realized that Haru and Rin are practically identical to the Haru and Rin in Fruits Basket! Even their hair and names.... Totally unintentional folks....I'm innocent.


Two Years Later

Third Person's POV

There was a slight cliff looming over a small village. Slowly, the outline of a person walking to the edge of the cliff appeared. The person leaned on one knee with one arm and smirked.

"What a lovely village, it really is worth saving."

"Psh," snorted a voice behind the person, "to think HE would actually ask us to freaking save it. It's unlike him. Seriously though...."

The person turned around, "He needs what is inside the bombs...so of course he can't have them going off. The bombs are set to go off in fifteen minutes, so go on, look for them."

"Why do we have to?" Said the other person indignantly, "You think just because you're older than us you can just order us around?" The other person turned to his left, "What do you think, Rin?"

"Shut up I'm trying to concentrate."

The third companion was a small girl who had her hands in a seal as her eyes were open wide. Then her eyes focused and she said, "There is nothing on the surface."

"Right," said the first person, "Haru, please stop bring a pain in the neck and-"

The second companion, a boy who was about three inches taller than the girl Rin shoved past the first person, "Stupid," he muttered, then he leapt down the cliff.

The first person smiled at the last companion, "You too Rin."

"What are you going to do, Umi?"

"Seek out the bombers and hand them over for some money." A hand was raised in a casual gesture, "Well, I'll see you. Fifteen minutes Rin, the clock is ticking." The first person did a backflip off the cliff and was gone.

Rin's POV

I looked up at the sky. It struck me how typical it was for people to look at the sky when things had changed for them.

Two years...two years. Even the stupid idiot Haru got a lot stronger. I don't know where his improvement came from, but he got some nice jutsus.

I was eight now, so was Haru and Umi was about fifteen. I got a little stronger with Zabuza, that was a good thing. In fact, I had switched my fighting style to Kenjutsu which was combining ninjutsu with a sword. I was better with a sword and it saved me the trouble of making too many hand seals. I still used jutsu...but not as often as before.

I started to find it easier to ignore Orochimaru. He barely existed now. All I needed was Umi and Haru.

Two years had past and I still didn't tell Umi or Haru about Ama.

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