Tales of the Past~Pt. 4

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Ehehehe....short chapter. Sorry. Because of school etc, I can't update as often and as much. *sigh*

I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto does. There, I said it ^ ^

I own any OC, original clans, original jutsus, changes to the plot and Konoha's history *cough cough this arc* etc. This story is copyrighted.

----->> Hashirama and Madara overlooking where the village would be when they're adults ^ ^


What is Madara planning?

" 'Real dream?!' " Hashirama said incredulously, "What do you mean by 'real dream?!' Isn't what we were trying to create all in this village?!"

Madara chuckled, "You can't see it," His sharingan turned and changed.


Eternal Mangekyo.

"What's beyond this. What's beyond this dream...."

Hashirama looked on calmly, "Then... Tell me what this future dream of yours is. If it is connected to this village, then I need your help to get there. Of course, as a senior. But also," there was a small smile, "as a friend."

Madara chuckled, "Tsk, there is no connection. And you will never understand it." Madara grinned with his eternal Mangekyo glowing, "It is useless to run after me. You should know too.... That no one can stand behind me."

After that... Madara left the village.

I saw quick scenes flash by, Hashirama smiling and teasing Mito. A feast. Watching young children learning at the Academy together, Senju and Uchiha.

But then..... Scenes with Madara trying to attack the village. Hashirama stopping him everytime.

Finally.....here we were. The Final Valley where I was told Hashirama and Madara fought one last time.

I yelped, as a Katon jutsu came flying at me. It was so big....far larger than what Sasuke or father could ever make combined. The flames fanned my face-

And went right through me.

Hashirama leapt over my head, leaping...... High.

I followed his figure and my eyes widened.


What the heck was the nine tailed demo doing here?

"He has a name, Rin," Ama said somewhat irritated, "it's Kurama."

Why would a wild demon of an animal need a name?

I sensed Amaterasu's cold annoyance, "You clearly do not understand what goes on in the kami world."

"Well...." I snapped, "I'm mortal! Deal with it!"

Kurama roared suddenly, throwing his head back.


With a jolt, I saw Madara standing on Kurama's head. The shinobi with strong eye techniques...were the only ones who could control the bijuu...

Kurama must feel like crap, being controlled like that.

Why wasn't Hashirama using Ama's power? Even now, was he keeping his word about protecting his village with just his own power?

Chakra was gathering in Kurama's mouth. A shuddering giant black sphere of pure energy.

I shielded my face. Sh-shit!

Hashirama made fast hand seals, and a giant wooden being grew out of the ground. Wood release, Hashirama's own kekkei genkei.

A giant wooden hand caught the bijuu bomb cleanly and rushed forewords to the Kyuubi.

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