I'm Coming

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I do not own Naruto. I do own any OC, original jutsus and clans, and the plot of this story. Oh right, let me get this straight. I got everything from my own head. None of the "this author copied" or whatnot. From my head. I have a head after all ;) these ideas are all original! But...there ARE coincidences ;P

This chapter and the next chapter will be short. Heck, maybe the one after the next will be short too.

There will be a video, but I'm not a technology person so it's hard to make -_-""

I'll update my status to tell you when it's updated so keep an eye out! Also, when I do tell you that the video is updated, please re-read this chapter's A/N, I have something to say ;)

Vote! Comment! Enjoy! No seriously, please do, I want to know if you liked my chapters or not!

Rin's POV

Umi had to leave early in the morning for a mission. I didn't even get to say good bye to her.....

It was lunch right now. Or I could say breakfast since the food was the exact same thing. Orochimaru must have gotten the bread and apple from the villages in this country. The water...who knows where. It was warm and absolutely foul. In my opinion, water was either cold or hot. Never in between.

Haru threw his apple core down from the cliff where we were sitting. The fruit tumbled down and finally smashed into a pulp far below. Haru swallowed the last of apple in his mouth.

"You know," he pointed out, "diamond is the hardest mineral but also a very brittle one. Even if I dropped a diamond from my height, it would break."

"Still stronger than an apple core," I said with a smirk.

"But more brittle than one."

.......Baka. Don't counter what I say.

"Hey....I just thought of something," I looked up at the sky, "brittle can be used to...describe people right?"

Haru smirked, "Someone who is beautiful, hard to cut through, but easy to break you mean?"



"What the heck are you talking about Rin?! You ask a question and I answer!"

"Yeah but you answered with a really weird expression!"

"Ahaha yeah right that's you hallucinating."

"I don't hallucinate." I glared at Haru, "You're such a jerk sometimes!"

Haru raised an eyebrow, then stuck a tongue out at me, "Diamond."

"Sh-shut up!"

Haru returned his gaze to the scene below us. "It's really beautiful, the breeze is nice too."

I frowned, "This is just like any other day."

There was a sigh. "Just like any other day. But of all days, this one feels special."

Since when...did Haru have a melancholy side to him? Why did he look so mature and not...childish? Had something happened?

Haru grinned at me, "What's with the somber expression when I just complemented the weather?"

I shook my head, "Just a passing thought."

Haru's POV

Gee....who knows what hell will break loose if I loose my composure. I can't show that I'm supposed to die....

I have to tell Rin. Calmly. Matter-of-a factly. And I want to thank her too, since well...she's the only person I can thank. I could thank Umi, but she is going to die too. I'm not thanking Orochimaru or Kabuto. For all I care, they can eat a rotten apple core and go straight, to, hell.

(Book the Second) In the Eye of the Snake ~Crimson Light in the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now